'Praying for Time' - A Strong Message in Dark Times.

in #resistance3 years ago

When I was young I used to be a club fiend.

One of my less salubrious haunts was The Green Dragon in Croydon - South East London. This was in the era of Wham - and George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley were frequent guests at this small venue. When they swanned into the club, and made for the bar everyone would clamour to get close to them! Except for my friend and good self who used to stand back sniffily whilst we scoffed at the pop-whores!

As the years passed my fondness for George Michael grew. It became obvious to me that he was, rather like myself, a misunderstood and much maligned individual. A man of quiet, private principle who was hobbled by Sony who stitched him up in a dirty recording contract which maliciously denied him, and his fans, his voice for many years.

And oh my! What a voice.

I speak to spirit, and last night I had a message to listen to the track 'Praying For Time.'

This song was written by GM in 1990. It was a hit. If you listen to it you will most likely recognise it as the classic that it most surely is. However, probably like me, you have never really listened to the lyrics - having been seduced by the music and maestro's voice...

George Michael was a lightworker; which is to say that his purpose in life was to uplift and spread truth and happiness. Working in an industry infiltrated and run by dark forces could not have been easy for him. The same dark forces that posture and preen and tell us The Great Reset is a good thing - that we will own nothing and be happy, murdered George. He was about to speak out against the satanic forces that governed the music industry - who mercilessly pray upon young, innocent souls. And so, he like many others, was silenced.

But his voice lives on forever and in this track his message is clear, and ever more pertinent in troubled times.

Take the time to listen and watch this short video and absorb the message for time is precious, and the clock for the salvation of humanity ticking.
