Tips to write a good resume

in #resume7 years ago

A resume is an initial step to our career growth. We study hard from day 1 of schooling hoping that we would get our dream job one day. Unfortunately, some people end up sending their resume to hundreds of organisation yet failed to get a response. When I finished my post-graduation, I have applied to almost 100 companies all over the country to get a perfect job. However, I ended up in not getting enough calls. I was worried about that because I thought the maximum percentage of marks would give me tons of jobs and that was exactly I was being taught right from childhood. It took me four months to know what are the basic mistakes I was doing while making my resume.

A study concluded that your resume will be seen for only 5 to 10 sec. In order to be noticed from the bunch of other resumes, you need to think out of the box. This does not mean you have to be more creative and spend a lot of time on that, rather you should know what the basic mistakes are while writing a resume. But of course, you should be creative and spent a significant amount of time.

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Relevancy does matter

So if you have a lot of job experiences in diverse fields and if you are applying for a specific field, don’t include all the stuff right at the top. Moreover, make at least five resumes that suit little bit different stream and highlight what the employer is looking for. You don’t have to write all your work experience in chronological order in your summary part, which is written on the top of the resume, most relevant points can be written first.

Typos/ Spellings

It is crucial to check once again when you are about to send the resume, or if you get an opportunity to get it checked, then do it. Your friends, professors may help you. Sometimes, we cannot be able to detect our own mistakes like a typo and grammatical errors.

Use advanced words rather than boring ones

This is not a vocabulary test, but there are some weak words you should not be using in a resume, some of which are did, make, lead, etc. You could use handled, implemented, processed, initiated instead of did, and facilitated, developed, established, produced instead of made. You could find lots of interesting vocabulary online. So make use of that.

Be more professional

As I told you earlier, you have only a few seconds to be noticed. Therefore, you should include your full name but not a nickname. A nickname may make the recruiter feel weird, although there are some people whose full name is very short.

The most important one among all is don't forget to add all your accomplishments rather than just duties. Something like what did you do to your previous organisation that profited the company? In addition, write whether you can work more than 12 hours during deadlines and mention if you are a quick learner. These things helped me a lot to get a perfect job. I hope this helps you too.



Tips on my Tips.


You are very experienced in life. thanks for share

well done! really beneficial post ! thanks we need these kind of post !

This informations is very important

Thanx dcrypto.. Tips are good really good.. Yeah you are right that resume is basically our first impression on organization. It works as our representator... If itsout of box then they ll surely consider it and wsh to see the man.. Thanx for sharing

To write a good resume need learning, word learning is the most important thing in writing a resume, the explanation of writing this resume is very helpful @dcrypto

thats very helpful

Tips... at their best dude...... @dcrypto as always you provide good blogs, as always,, nice blog...