Commodore 64 Ad: S&S Wholesalers, Inc.

Commodore Magazine (July 1988)
You could always find tons of ads in Commodore (and other computer) related magazines from places that sold Commodore hardware and software. Some stuck around and others came and went. The above ad is from a place called S&S Wholesalers, Inc. and was located in Miami Beach. It is from the July 1988 issue of Commodore Magazine (which I think was a month before I bought my first issue). I don't recall this one so I'm inclined to believe it didn't stick around very long.
Their advertising also is a little misleading as most of the prices listed require purchasing additional items. You could get blank disks for 19 cents each but only if you also bought something to hold them in. The next item advertised is a "Commodore C64 Computer" for $99. The picture looks like a Commodore 64C which was a newer (though functionally the same) model. It was a good price for the time as a C64C was more typically in the $140 to $160 range. But were you really getting a C64C or the older model? Plus, it required the purchase of a software package and exactly what software packages qualified and how much they cost is not mentioned.
The pattern continues with a printer for $99 but only with purchase of a printer stand...a Commodore 128D computer for $499 but only with the purchase of a software package...and a 12" color monitor (brand and specs not mentioned) for $139 but only with the purchase of a monitor cable. There were a couple of items that appear not to have required additional purchases. One was a joystick (an "arcade quality super joystick" no less) for $12.90 and a 300 Baud Modem for $19.90 which wasn't a bad price but 300 baud was slow, even for the time (1200 was probably more common by then).
To be fair, I'm sure it was a perfectly legitimate company. I just doubt the prices were as good as they seemed after making the additional required purchases.
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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.