Revelations! JFK, JFKjr, Vincent Fusca, John Denver, Susan Wojcicki, former CEO of YouTube dies from lung cancer? Are there connections? You decide!
Hear JFK's speech on the Intel agencies.
See more evidence on the Information War.
See briefly how they did it and who all is connected.
See what Vincent Fusca [also front and center at the Trump assassination attempt] was trying to show everyone with
the numbers on his license plate from the Trumpmobile!
#susanwojcicki, #JFK, #JFKspeech, #JFKjr, #VincentFusca, #lungcancer, #revelations, #wewillprecail, #Arabella, #Aurora, #Majestic, #Trumpmobile, #Doubletree, #PatrickKennedy, #ArabellaKennedy, #JohnDenver, #JacQuelineKennedy
Listen or watch here on my Rumble Channel
[I am TestingTheNarrative]
Here are the facts, you see what resonates with you!
Please click link below following image to see. Click Follow on my Rumble channel for my latest drops.
You decide!
See the breakdown of how it all started as Sergey Brin, Creator of Google. . .
who bought YouTube under Susan's advice. . .Sergey is Susan's brother in law!
Ann and Susan. . .sisters!
Find their story here,
Who remembers?
Check out more here,
What lies beneath? Those connected to Epstein including evidence of a glass sub he invited Hawking on? Info on island, Who has flown on his plane, how there is access to children
See part 1 of my Revelations Revisited Series here,
Once in a Blue Moon? Ready for the Super Moon? Are people ready for the ReVeal? Let's SEE!
Click on link below image to see! Thank you to all who click FOLLOW on my Rumble channel!
Info on part 1
Check it out!
Made this a few years ago,
now here we are preparing for the Blue Super Moon of 8.19.2024
That encodes a 9,9 and 8
9 is for divine
get right with the divine and tune into that part
while 8 is for
new beginnings
This is taken from archives of reveals and video reports
that were pulled down from the overbearing censorship of YouTube
They removed my entire channel for telling vetted truth
with verified sources years ago.
I will put a link to the entire vid from my archived channel
in the comments!
#bluemoon, #supermoon, #bluesupermoon, #reveal, #revelations, #moonriver, #theelon, #themarsproject, #wernhervonbraun, #vonbraun, #mars, #elon, #projectpaperclip, #AIPtechnology, #NavalGroup, #usspacecommand, #galacticfederation, #starfleet, #planetarydefense, #thefederation
Part 2 #Revelations, #Connections
The Kennedy & Trump Tiffany Blue Connection! Ready for the Reveal 2?
Click link below image to see! Please click Follow on my Rumble channel for further info.
Part 2 Summary of Revelations Revisited Once in a Blue MOON
What color did JacQueline Kennedy wear?
What color was Melania's dress at the inauguration?
Did it mimic an Audrey Hepburn style or some would ask. . .
a JacQueline flair?
You decide!
Are there parallels to the Kennedy and Trump
Ear shot for both?
Are you within ear shot of all that has been taking place
both historically and in the NOW?
#Trump, #Kennedy, #TiffanyBlue, #MoonRiver, #BreakfastAtTiffanys, #Jacquelinekennedy, #Lace, #Lancer, #Lark, #Lyric, #Hidden, #herecomesthesun, #herecomestheson
SOURCES and more info,
Check out replies inside of here to find more info on numbers and their #Sycnhronicity concerning JFKjr and JacQueline!
Just scroll through the replies and find What #resonates with you! You decide! #Sovereign
Why were the Green Berets so important to JFK and Jacqueline? Was JFK Jr part of special training? JFK Jr's tattoo and an Army SF Q Course. The Lancer, the Lark and VF info. What about the Family Ghosts?
Click link below for #CoronaSatellites and #ProjectLookingGlass and how they set all the apparatus into place for the ultimate #SpayGame and #Con on humanity!

Project Looking Glass, Corona Satellites. Mind Games from FB. Wisconsin Zuck?
Great Meme on TRUTH.
Really brings it home!
UPDATE 8.26.2024
#RFKjr, #Trump, #TrumpKennedyAlliance, #SoftDisclosure, #Disclosure, #Declass
Trump in 1999 on CNN! Iron Mountain under Butler Co. PA what is there including Bill Gates images.