in #revenge7 years ago

You robbed me of the love
That I gave you twice
You ripped off my pride
While you shamed me twice
Still I go in and out of the door
That I passed those times
I just keep going back to you
And it's becoming a crime

I'm like a broken record
I'm like an unwanted beat
I'm like a stammerer's stuttered words
Always on unwanted repeats
I can't seem to help it
But I want no more
Of this poisonous bliss

This is the third time now
It might still not be the last
Because with you it's a cycle
It's reclaim, reuse and recycle
But I just can't let go
And I don't like being used
Yet I stay put like glue

Aren't all men the same?
Dad wasn't better
Aren't all women weak?
And I'm my mother's daughter
I wonder how she did it
She said we gave her strength
But not enough to leave him

But I have no child!
Where do I draw my strength from?
He already killed my little one
Who hadn't even used his growing lungs
Oh mama, I'm no hero!
I guess i'm weaker
I can't let the same be for Leo
It's still the third time
I want no fourth
But if it does come forth
I'll do what mum didn't do to dad
No dead baby this time
Because there will be a dead Dan

