Battle Axe Sheffield Review. Something To Release The Stress.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #review5 years ago


I was invited to a 12 year old girls birthday party with my daughter and I wasn't expecting to have so much fun.

A friend of ours decided to have a party for her 12 years birthday and invited my daughter to join them, They asked me if I wouldn't mind joining them to keep and eye on the other children then they gave me a surprise that gave me and OMG moment.

"We have paid for you to play to Andy!" I was like "WHAT"

Now I never knew that they were going to get me to join a group of girls but it was a really nice gesture and I was heart warmed by the thought.

Lily's birthday was Friday and she turned 12, my daughter and lily have been friends for about 2 years since they met at school, there is a year between them both but they get on like a house on fire, trying to split these two up is so hard and more times than not they are either at ours or at her house.

When we arrived at Battle axe I had to fill in a form to give consent for my daughter to throw axes, and that is when they told me that I was going to be a 12 year old girl for a couple of hours.

I was shocked that they would even think to join me in a 12 years old party but I didn't mind, we are a close nit family friends and we look after each other.

We had a party leader who gave us the rules, she was lovely and friendly, and everybody there was given a Viking name and mine was Asmund the bold. which was a quirky.

We got told how to hold an axe, the first axe we throw was an angle axe, this was made of metal even the handle, it was the shape of a cross, it was light and I found it hard to throw.
The girls however found it really easy to throw and showed me up big time.

Then we moved on to a normal axe, wooden handle and was heavier than the angle axe, I found it easier to throw and I was quite accurate with it too.

I hit the bulls eye and was made to ring the bell and everyone in the building cheered, I was taken back by this as I wasn't expecting it.

After a few throws we had a break to fit in a wishing of happy birthday to the birthday girl.

Now Battle axe do it a little different than I would have, they shout at the top of their voices, happy birthday to you, which is pretty cool.

Then the birthday girl cuts her own cake with an axe.





I wish I had more photos to show but I was too busy throwing axes.

We then played a game with nails, this was my favourite game of the day, we each got one 8 inch nail that was tapped into a large log and we had to take it in turns to hit one nail which was not our own, and the one with the longest nail standing one.

I felt really bad, I am a fully grown man child and I was up against girls but it was soon apparent that the girls wanted the boy out and they started to hit my nail from the get go.

It wasn't long before I took my daughters nail out and then her friend and then the birthday girls brother.

I was feeling bad so I took a back step and decided to miss a few go's to give the other 2 girls a chance.

It wasn't long before I was out and I was happy that I wasn't getting a reputation of been a child destroyer.

We then went back to throwing axes and it was a tournament, we all had 6 throws each and the 2 with the highest scores was then in the final against each other.

I happened to be in the final, and I really didn't want to throw against the birthday girl who also happened to get through, so each of my turns I throw it against the floor. which meant that she had won.

There was a little catch to this though, lily then went against another parties finalist.

The lights went out, the hosts introduced the finalists and spot lights were brought on to the wooden targets, it was bloody brilliant.

Amazing is the only thing I have to say about this place put together brilliantly. I want to go every week and I think it will be a place to go for birthdays for my kids.

Our group lost by one point and the winner then became known as "rain the child destroyer."

If you ever get the chance to come to Sheffield please, please drop into battle axe as I would put this as one of my top 10 places to visit in Yorkshire.

love to you guys and happy steeming