The 100 Season 6 Episode 6: 'Memento Mori' Review

in #review5 years ago

[SPOILER ALERT! Watch out for spoilers from this episode!]


This episode can not be classified as a filler in any way, but nothing really happened, except we got to see once again just how far Murphy would go to survive, and more persons discover the fake-Clarke secret. Josephine learns enough to fool Abby who agrees to teach Sanctum how to create more Nightbloods, Madi finally embraces the prompts of Darkheda, and Xavier realises the Anomaly is calling for Octavia and Diyoza. The end.

Well, not exactly the end. Not with the crazy cliffhanger we were given. And I just want to say... I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW THEY COULD NEVER KILL OFF CLARKE GRIFFIN SO CALLUOSLY! Whoo-HOO!!!!!!!!

When Josephine goes to sleep for the first time since her re-awakening, deep in her mind, Clarke wakes up, in a room that can only be described as a mental prison of sorts. It's the first time Clarke's mind has been aware since Josephine took over, nad now that we know she's still somewhere and still capable of fighting, we KNOW she's definitely going to find a way to come back. Or Bellay will bring her back. Or maybe Madi. Whoo-hoo!


But let's talk about those two, moving in entirely different directions. Bellamy, having been imprisoned by Josephine is, after multiple attempts by Murphy, and the imposter, finally decides not to go to war over Clarke's death. The rest don't fully agree, but they go along... for now. All except Madi. The young heda, after a harzardous interruption by Josephine, has decided to heed the twisted promptings of darkheda, the most dangerous, murderous heda in the history of the Flame. And they are NOT going along with Bellamy's edith. Instead, they are going to kill them all. Whether she means all of Sanctum or all of her comrades or every human still out in the galaxy is anyone's guess. Will she regian herself? Seems unlikely now that she has banished Gaia from Sanctum and Clarke is "gone". The real question however is, who will be the true villain of this season? Russel? Josephine? The children of Gabriel? Or will it be Madi... the new darkheda? Or, in a 100-esque twist, will Madi actually be the one to save them all?

Hmmm... it seems something did happen this episode.

But then, there's Abby. 'That doesn't sound like you Clarke,' she says more than once. Now, she has gone up to the Mothership with Raven. Who wants to bet the quarreling duo will figure out the Clarke deception on their own and decide to go against Bellamy's ediths? Raven already hates the Primes, and Abby will never let her daughter go unrevenged.


And also there's Octavia and Diyoza, on a journey of their own. The Children of Gabriel seem less and less like villains as the season proceeds. Xavier, while evading capture, keeps turning around to help them at every point, and by the end of this episode, has decided to take them both to see the Old Man Gabriel in the anomaly. What this journey will reveal is anyone's guess, but we can be damn well sure it's going to be exciting!

What did you think of the episode? Filler? Revealing? Or super deep? Let's know in the comments!

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