House of Chains by Steven Erikson - Book Revew

in #review6 years ago

Here we go again, with another part of the Malazan Book of the Fallen. House of Chains are the fourth novel in a row, but chronologically wrapped simultaneously on the third part. Again, we return to the place of the ancient desert, Raraku, and the farther continent where the Malazans conquered seven towns and their tribes. The uprising rebellion is in progress, although after the crash of Chain of Dogs in previous part of the series and I have to admit, one of the best scenes of the battle, starvation and concealment I have ever read, this adventure continues. But now with some new faces, and not enough of those old ones who have already suffered incredible losses, both the spirit and the body.

As I wrote in the last review, the writing style of Erikson remains the same, and it is very consistent, but only the inclusion of key events is improving. It is getting better in unspoken things, that things undoubtedly gets more important than the words spoken. Mildly dangerous, body movements, facial expressions of the main characters involved in this part of the price speak a lot. Although the events themselves are grand, the action itself is only part of a large network that the writer narrates. It can be seen in many ways. First of all, in cases where the action is a constant and every time a mortal has something to look for in future, it turns out that the Gods want something different from them. It can be noted that now all the pantheon of Gods, fanatically imagined, are involved in the intrigues of this world and act decisively for their own benefit. Although they have their disagreements, all of these plans are aimed at confronting the Crippled God who threatens to ensnare all nations and gods. And everyone is involved, human empires, forgotten races, new gods, and those of old who are not remembered anymore.

Although we have become accustomed to the images of battles that have been present before, the writer was much more subtle in this part. Although the two armies exist and are marching towards the final conflict and resolving the uprising rebellion, that encounter is being resolved with completely different methods.

Although it is abundant with new characters, House of Chans also has its new features. Some are transient and created to play only short-lived roles while others exist from the first part of this series and their fates do not seem to see the end, nor the goal just some small hints. The perfect acceleration of the speed of developing the actions is one of the great advantages, as well as the simultaneous narration of more than two stories.

The magic system itself remains consistent with its rules. But, new rules are introduced into the whole world with new characters. The knowledge of long forgotten times and people comes to the surface.

Since the writer is an archaeologist, this systematicity of one scientist can be seen in his writing. The tiniest details will be presented to yo, the history of different nations. Descriptions of ancient ruins, hidden temples and human and not so human traditions will be revealed to you. And all this with a certain amount will be served and once you dive into the world that he creates, it will be very hard for you to get out of it.

Another thing that has attracted me is that regardless of who he character is, whether she or he is your favorite or you hate them, it will be interesting to you. Undoubtedly, I have never met one writer before that can make me so interested in everyone of the characters.

So, start reading it right away. It's worth every moment of your time.

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