Rex NFT is Renewable energy credit NFT and with buying of Rex NFT you are directly funding the generation of renewable energy that will be used in electric grid.

in #rexnft2 years ago (edited)

In the recent time we are seeing much hype and more adaption of Non fungible tokens (NFTs) which are digital contents created on blockchain with a provision that in a particular blockchain, an NFT can stay only in a single address. That means there is no replica or manipulation of NFT is possible. NFTs are unique tokens and scarce in number. NFTs are getting much attention and are sold in millions of dollars! That is the amazing growth of this non fungible token concept that took the attention of art creators to use blockchain technology and show their talent and then earn lots of money via NFTs. Rex Project is using NFTs to represent renewable energy. This platform has taken the initiative to provide a real use case that will be helpful for entire planet to make it clean and green.


Rex Ecosystem

REX NFT stands for Renewable Energy Credit NFT. When you buy a REX NFT you are directly funding the generation of clean renewable energy. Each NFT represents 1000 kWh of renewable energy. With the purchase of each Rex NFT 1000 kWh of renewable energy is generated and delivered to the power grid. This will help us all use less fossil fuel and leave less of a carbon footprint. REX NFT has partnered with Renewable Energy Credit suppliers including TerraPass to make this happen. It's a real renewable energy credit (REC) from TerraPass. You will receive a PCL (product content label) that you can verify on the TerraPass website and see a dashboard with information and a breakdown of the renewable energy that was generated.


Getting access to latest technology innovations

A Renewable Energy Credit (REC) is a way to represent your investment in renewable energy. Until now Multinational projects and fossil generators were having access to Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). They need them to improve their green credentials. To get REC is a very complicated and tedious job. it requires many complex contracts and processes. Lots of paper work, funds with guarantee are required to own and use RECs. REX NFTs are opening up a consumer market for RECs and lowering the barriers to entry. 1,000 unique NFTs will be issued in the first series and individuals can get involved for as little as $250.The best thing with REX platform is that these certificates are issued as NFTs as such there is no chance of any delicacy or illegal use of any particular certificate. Thus this platform is curbing the manipulation and avoiding the issue or sell of the same renewable energy credit to multiple customers This platform is having a solid tokenization ecosystem that is making it possible for every member of the platform to get access to latest technology innovations without any fear of counterfeit as well as manipulations. Since this platform is using blockchain technology that will make it sure that the transactions are to be conducted in a fast, secure, transparent and trust less environment where all the processed data is stored in an online ledger on blockchain.

Rex Club

In addition to the NFTs, Rex platform will be launching an exclusive online REX club and Metaverse for all holders. In short this innovative platform is using all the latest technology innovations to provide best user experience. The users of this platform can explore the rare NFT collections and also experience Metaverse that is providing them real life experience in digital world.

The Rex club is created to provide an exclusive online club and metaverse for all REX NFT holders. Your Rex NFT is the gate pass that is representing your membership for REX club. By holding Rex NFT you can dive into this digital world that is the next level evolution of technology innovations and is fully functioning on decentralized ecosystem of blockchain technology. In Rex club metaverse you can interact with other players. You can also choose a character. They will be able to hang out and interact with other members and their characters.


NFT Holding reward

The Rex platform will have a corresponding token that will be used in the REX NFT ecosystem. This token will be launched on Polygon. And the holders of Rex NFT will be rewarded with this token. It will be airdropped to all REX NFT holders on a weekly basis. 2,500 REX Coins per REX NFT owned will be sent to all REX NFT holders each week. The REX Coins will be distributed to the Polygon wallet that holds the REX NFTs. Also the Rex NFT holders are the stake holders of the platform. You can use your NFTs in staking protocol to get good rewards. This platform is rewarding Rex NFT holders with passive income and also allowing them to actively take part in decision making protocols to select best growth strategies. With the growth of the platform every member will get benefits as the price of token will rise and also more and more people will join and purchase Rex NFTs. That will increase traffic as well as transactions on the platform. This is the best scenario to raise the liquidity of the platform. More liquidity means mire transactions and then more rewards will be generated on the platform.


Each Rex NFT is a genuine renewable energy credit and comes with a PCL (product content label) that can be used to verify its authenticity as a renewable energy credit. REX NFT is the first and only ones to tokenize Renewable Energy Credits, disrupting the six-billion-dollar Renewable Energy Credit industry. Rex NFT will help us all use less fossil fuels and leave less of a carbon footprint. That will clean the environment and make it green. In addition to being a genuine renewable energy credit, REX NFT platform has partnered with an environmental non-profit to plant a tree each time a REX NFT is sold.
To buy a REX NFT go to:

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In this highly volatile market good projects with sound concept will boom when there is uptrend !

Renewable energy generation with NFTs! That is really very cool concept.

Nice project with sound concept.