Daily Riddle - Riddle me this - Riddle me that - Guess this riddle or perhaps not!!!!!! 12 June 2017
- How many 1 foot by 1 foot bricks would it take to complete a building that's 20 feet long on all four sides and 20 feet high?
- What's the least number of chairs you would need around a table to sit four fathers, two grandfathers, and four sons?
- I am the only word that looks the same when spelled upside down. What am I ??
Answers will be provided the next day.
Please do not forget to respond and come back tomorrow - if you like these brain teasers!!!!
#2 is correct - thanks for participating
Haha - re. # 2. Thanks for participating
Well, you didn't say how they could not be sat around the table...he, he! X
Answers :