If you are too chicken shit to fight for principle why would you fight for rights?

in #rights8 years ago

Back to my quest to actually win a traffic court case. I left off my last blog with the caveat that if I got hits on this topic I would go in depth with actual road side recordings, court documents filed by me and rulings. I'm currently in appeals court so status on that cause is yet to be determined but its looking good.

I know that most people don't have a clue to what their rights are as shocking as that may seem , I would estimate that 95% of "Mericans" don't. Are you with the 5% or 95% which may even be higher but I have a hard time thinking I'm in the top 5% of anything.

When we say we are free what does that mean anymore? Do you know what your liberty entails? I think we have all become programmed to accept the narrative that freedom comes in the form of a license. Did you know there is no license to issue for the exercise of ones own private capacity. I am not saying that since there is no license to exercise ones own private capacity than private capacity can not be exercised. No. If you are acting outside of the capacity on which they have regulatory authority you are acting lawfully. That was the easy part.

Whenever you talk to any body in a legal capacity you really don't know the admissions of guilt and confession we make. That's why you should never talk to cops. Prime example you are pulled over by cops and the officer say what they say and you give them your first born daughter and everything they need to prove you are within their regulatory scope. He tries to extorts you for $300. Yeah that $300 was for your first born daughter's school clothes. You tell yourself I aint taking this shit no more! So, one month later your in front of Judge Bought Npaid trying to get him to understand the officer was a dick and you're broke. Mr Salt of the Earth you are responsible for driving without a seat belt, your insurance was expired and your address was wrong on your license pay the fine on your way out. BANG Neeext!!!!

Mr Salt of the Earth follows all the rules and customs of this system and the outcome is what it was designed to be. Sure he could have gotten an attorney if their fee was free hundred free dollars. Instead he went in with reason and common since on his side and lost.

First mistake never give an officer a drivers license if you are not driving. It may sound silly but what words mean in common conversation and what they mean in legal settings maybe an most times are night and day. If you admit to driving and give a drivers license you are a driver and subject to all rules and regulations set for drivers. The reason this is significant is that the word drive in legal settings mean "to transport good or service for the purpose of hire" and refers to commercial activity only. So if some guy with a gun calls you a driver never agree with them unless you are driving.

This is my topic. I will start putting in some of my legal docs to illustrate my action plan. Money make me work faster so let me know how much this interest you.