Risk II, Contributed by @Olawalium
As we discussed in the last post, risks are part of life. We sometimes take calculated risks and weigh the pros and cons. Just like doctors will say, once there is a slight chance that someone might survive, they won’t give up on such life. The same is applicable here too. Once there is a good chance that something might thrive or improve, we should never shy from taking such risks on. Like I have learned on this blockchain, you will hear people tell you “Do your own research” and that is it. Be convinced yourself, because you will be the one to bear the risks. It is like a sole proprietorship business, you bear the risk alone.
Being convinced helped us to take on risks. Once there is a chance of survival, the risk is worth taking. If it fails, you have learned a valuable lesson. You will definitely learn something from there, which will be needed in another decision you will make. Like I would say, weigh the risks very well, because I have to admit there are some risks that take longer for people to recover from. Do your own research. Go into it with your head sometimes rather than solely your heart.
Have you ever noticed that little children are fearless and they take on risks? They thrive on it and enjoy it. They do it without thinking twice. They only feel limited when we, the adults, tell them the risks involved. Seeing that they are accountable to us, fear sets in and they stop daring. With this mentality, they grow up and try to stay in their comfort zone, which doesn’t help them at all. We should be like little children sometimes. They want to try everything and anything. Risk makes life enjoyable sometimes.
There are some risks we should take on unconsciously. You know there are some risks that, you know within you, it felt right and there are huge possibilities, but it doesn’t sound reasonable if you tell another person, because you might be dissuaded. There are some peculiar cases like that, where we need to make them unconsciously, without thinking twice, so we wouldn’t have to change our mind after many thoughts. Like I said, it has to feel right and you need to make your own research so as to be very sure.
Risks are inevitable. Joining Steemit is also a risk we all took. We knew it sounded great and investing our time and ideas are also a risk worth taking. It is a huge investment and now I am sure most of us can say it is a great one that pays a great dividend. Who would have thought you could have achieved all you did via Steemit? Too good to be true, yet, you took the risk. Our choices and decisions are risk and risk is part of life. Take them on!
Thank you for your time.
Source: 1
My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.
I have decided to make a post concerning this risk of a things, my contribution Is there anything we do in life that doesn't involve one risk or the other? To make it in life then the answer is, risk is unavoidable.
If you are to make it more than your mate in life, then you have to think outside the box, and the desire to risk will surely be your tool in moving forward.
Life itself is a risk, if one cannot take risk the chance of getting to the top of the of that person is very slim. Getting more knowledge than your mate is risk you decided to take, since a lot of sleepless night over your colleagues will surely pay. Success is a state of mind and the most reliable way to reach that state of mind is by working through set of goal with meaningful challenge (risk). A soul that refuses to take risk is bound not to be reach the desirable top or position.
Life is a risk, all the activities we engaged in involved a risk, there is nothing we do in this life that doesn't involve risk, traveling, getting spouse, getting desirable job and making progress in life it is all about risk. In order to win your have to shake and only two outcome is possible which is whether you lose or win, I believe in this saying, money is the tool in getting more money. Making it in life require us taking step; all these steps are like sacrifice(risk) we have to make before getting to the top.
Sometimes our heart speak in favour of a particular plan we had in mind but the fear of being losing has overwhelmed what we desire to do which make us not to actually such plan that very moment and we later regret by saying, had i know, I would have done that, which often happen to us. It is just the fear of being losing that has taken us into captivity. Though I'm not saying all the risk in life is worth taken, I can't encourage you to take a risk or actions that put your life at stake.
Risks are part of our lives and we wouldn’t know how things and certain decisions will turn out unless we try. Even if it fails, it is a valuable experience which will still be valuable later in the future.
the most common risks using the business we venture in as examples . Risk makes us feel alive. Life without risk is life stuck in a rut. If you feel like your job or life is getting boring and monotonous, then you're not taking enough risk. The fact is we're built to take risk. Don't be too comfortable at any position you might find yourself today, always see future as inevitable change.
There are some unforeseen opportunities that often come from risk-taking, just like someone that gamble, he might win or loss, so he has already made of his made that only two outcome is possible.
Sometimes, we tend to view risk-taking negatively, often regarding it as dangerous and even unwise due to some negativity outcome of it. But while some risks certainly don’t pay off, it’s important to remember that some do. Reframing risk as an opportunity to succeed rather than a path to failure. The desire not to risk at all is losing already. The desire to take risks with confidence will surely help you stand out.
Taking a risk is also a great opportunity to stand out and to present yourself as a leader, not a follower satisfied with the status quo. To leave a sire realm then you must be willing to take a risk.
The desire to invest in steemit is a risk we cannot do without if we are to make it more in the nearest future.
Risk is definitely part of our daily living, as we make choices every single day. Thanks for this great comment.
Risk! Risk!! Risk!!!
Is their any success in life without a risk? Is their anyway you can get things done without the involvement of risk? Is their anyway you will step out of your house in the morning with the hope to return in the evening if no risk is involved? What can be done without a risk in life? Their is non?
Sleeping at night with the hope of waking up in the morning involved risk.
Working in a company with the hope of getting paid involved risk
Starting up your business involved risk
Let me give this general illustration to back my point :
Going to school to obtain certificate involves risk because you are not sure of getting a job after school. Do you know how many people we have around that have long graduated before we even gain admission that are yet to be employed, yet we obtained the form. What a risk?
Risk is part of life and life is part of risk, both are intertwined.
Thank you @olawalium and @communiyucoin
Good one. Everything in life truly involves some certain level of risk, which must be taken, if we are to succeed. Thanks brother.
We too often allow our emotions to get in the way of logic. If you don’t risk failing, then you can’t succeed. Success requires risking failure – that is true 100 percent of the time.
Risk putting it all on the line.
If we do things right, there will be a time in our lives that we will have to decide whether or not we want to put it all on the line and roll the dice. My suggestion is to do so and to do so earlier on in life.
The later you risk losing everything, the more difficult it will be to bounce back. The biggest rewards often require the largest risks. Just be smart about it and make sure you know exactly what you are risking and exactly what you would be getting as a reward.
Risk missing out in order to achieve something greater. Afraid that staying in and getting some rest will make us miss out on something huge – life changing. Think about this: You’ve been making sure that you haven’t missed out on anything for years, how many of those experiences actually made a positive change in your life?
Risk that person not saying “I love you too.”
No one wants to be the first one to say “I love you.” I get it – not hearing “I love you” back can suck. But imagine how great it will feel if that person does love you back.
He or she is most likely worrying about the same thing waiting for you to make a move. And if that person doesn’t love you back, then at least you know where things really stand and can disillusion yourself.
Risk making a mistake.
Mistakes need to be made if you want to succeed in life – it’s how we learn. If you’re not making mistakes then you’re not trying enough things. In other words, you’re not living enough. Risk making those mistakes because they are the things that make our lives interesting enough to read about.
Another valuable comtribution. Well said brother and the first line got me hooked:
Totally true.
the future belongs to those who dare to take risks. Only people who dare to take risks will achieve great things.
The greater the risk taken, the greater the results are waiting. A small risk, or so-called "security" promises a small result too. The law of risk and reward is like that.
We take into account before acting. We see the risks. We can accept the risk? If so, take action. Are the risks anticipated? Then take action.
Unlike people who only seek justification for not taking risks, they say risky while still not acting. Calculate the risks, then take action to take risks. That's just called risk taker.
The definition of taking risks is not the origin of action. I agree with that. Not desperate without calculation and prepare yourself. That's not what boldly means.
Calculations may, but do not get too calculating with expecting to succeed. Because you will never find it. Calculations may not be exaggerated so you never act.
Accurately explained. Fine comment as usual. Well done.
Risk stretches us and helps us grow. Risk gets us out of our comfort zone to do something different. We learn by experience. Risk teaches us more about ourselves and helps us improve. How much more do we learn through the experiences of trying something big and failing? How much do you learn from taking risk and seeing the outcome? These are things you don’t pay tuition for, but only learn by doing.
This is gooooood!. There are some lessons we get by taking risks and risks indeed teach us more about ourselves. Risk is part of our daily living and we grow as we go through life. Much appreciated brother.
Even life itself is a risk. Risk has started ever since we were in the womb, who knows if we were gonna be born?
And then our momma risk it to take a big breathe and give birth to us, it's a 50/50 between life and death, what if our momma die or what if it's us that die. You risk that and you survived so why are you afraid to take risks?
This life is even funny and of just two options, either you risk it or die trying hard
Gracias @olawalium ET @communitycoin
You are right, you tell us about steemit risk. But you did think-
Big thanks sir @communitycoin
Absolutely. Thanks a lot.
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