Mi recorrido en Splinterlands⚔️ | My tour in Splinterlands⚔️
- Hola Splinterlandias ⚔️ | Hello Splinterlandias ⚔️
Disfruto de gran manera cada momento en el juego son nuevas experiencias recaudadas que se me hace grato compartir como en esta oportunidad 😀
Today I share my experiences in the short time that I have been part of the family of splinterlands 😊
I really enjoy every moment in the game are new experiences collected that I am happy to share like this time 😀

Esa libertad financiera que todos anhelamos encontrar. Me mantuve en ese dilema unos cuantos días. Para nadie es un secreto que existen muchas plataformas fraudulentas😞
- Un día unos amigos muy allegados me recomiendan una plataforma (Splinterlands) 😍🤑 Pero existía un gran detalle que me causaba pavor y un gran estruendo⚡️ "La Inversión" ya que mi capital no era lo suficientemente vasto para costear mis gatos personales si invertía en juego que desconocía mis rendimientos y si lograría encontrar una rentabilidad ? 😖
Pero me aventure y me atreví a solicitar un financiamiento en varias cuotas dando validez a los argumentos escuchados por muchos jugadores 🎮 y con su ayuda aperture mi cuenta splinter🎉 ⚔️
That financial freedom that we all long to find. I stayed in that dilemma for a few days. It is no secret to anyone that there are many fraudulent platforms😞
- One day some very close friends recommend a platform (Splinterlands) 😍🤑 But there was a great detail that caused me dread and a great roar⚡️ "The Investment" since my capital was not vast enough to pay for my personal cats if I invested at stake I was unaware of my returns and if I could find a return? 😖
But I ventured and dared to request financing in several installments validating the arguments heard by many players 🎮 and with their help open my splinter account🎉 ⚔️
Que emoción, Ya tengo mi cuenta! 🤠😱|What a thrill, I already have my account!

Mis primeras partidas fueron un poco bochornosas 😐 de hecho algunas recientes aun pueden postularse 😑 pero son detalles técnicos que con el tiempo espero mejorar 💪
Mis mazos no son potencialmente fuertes sin rentar cartas pero con dedicación puedo llegar un poco lejos en las ligas.
- It's time to play amos let's see what awaits us! Whispered: a little you in my head ...
"Doubt and intrigue subtly consumed me" in me was a feeling of Satisfaction accompanied by terror. With guidance and patience I managed to understand some of the rules 😎 (When I talk about patience I mean my tutors used to ask a lot of questions and get him out of his mind 🤣😂)
My first games were a bit embarrassing 😐 in fact some recent ones can still be applied 😑 but they are technical details that I hope to improve over time 💪
My decks are not potentially strong without renting cards but with dedication I can go a bit far in the leagues.
Without further ado: I present you with an invitation and brief summary of My first month experience in Splinterlands⚔️
Cave destacar que todo el contenido publicado fue creado por mi persona 😁
- Me encantaría enviar un saludo:
@erarium y agradecer toda la orientación tanto para realizar el post y orientarme en Splinterlands 👏
Gracias !! y feliz tarde para todos los guerreros⚔️
I should point out that all the published content was created by me 😁
- I would love to send a greeting:
@erarium and thank all the guidance both for making the post and orienting myself in Splinterlands 👏
thanks for showing me the tips to make up it is very helpful👊
Thank you !! and happy afternoon to all the warriors ⚔️