
Lady! I don’t care what the ruling is. You are the Batshit Crazy Catlady from Ft Collins. I’m from Denver. I know ALLLL about you. Suzy Q.
And your name doesn’t hide the fact that you’re research is atrocious and Spiteful. No meaning to it whatsoever other than the fact that you still have a lot of issues you’re going through.

I think Suing You is bad form. Jason should get sued but you need help. You should get in to a clinic or retreat or something. Not sued. Suing you apparently makes you even weirder.

Aren’t Yewe sweet.

This my look of shock upon finding out I’m islmic you Bigotted Witch.


There went my Uber career. 😐

I’m actually a well known, underpaid, undergraduate, underground, Sci-Fi Radio novelist.

You can review my work here Trello Hag.

Don’t know that dude ☝️But he could be a cousin for all I know 😎 I do have a lot of interesting Brothers out there.


This is what makes you a Salty Seahag. Your evidence is so Shitty that it's more likely YOU are a paid Troll. I work Pro Bono Witch.

Bacon captain.jpg