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RE: Week eleven Colonye post: Undeads

in #rpg6 years ago

OOC: Wow! No kidding, bad week. 3 lumberjack and only 4 wood? Geez, their equipment must have broke.

Okay, I'll sell 10 pumpkins to the outpost for 20 wood.

Workers -

1 lumberjack
1 silver mine
1 farm
1 builder building a lumber yard
1 stone miner
1 research bench researching next project (herb cabin) - although next building project is stone quarry

Quest: Investigate fallen stone tower


OOC: yes u got 3,1 and a 4 on the dice whit your -1 in the colony and the fireplace. 4 wood. almost as bad as u can. can a give you a tip. the research bench its only unlocking the bulding so you can build it. it dont give you anything before you physically building the building. you can researching which of the project you want. its no next one there. its just how its written to save some space in the post the are all on one line. a want to recommend you to build the Stone Quarry (you has good bonus) and insted of gettting almost no wood just get stone a trade with the outpost the get the wood from there.

in the colony file you are the first sheet you can see the cost on the buildings there.
and find out want buldings you want the stone quarry you dont need to research

Okay. Good suggestion. Go with that.

do you want remove the lumber yard and put in the Stone Quarry. then.?

Do you think it matters? I was planning to put in one of each before moving on to the next level of buildings. It seems like everything needs wood more than anything else.

yes it do. one worker in the stone quarry get 7 stone. on a turn and the lumber yard worker get 4. so by trade u get 7 wood in stead of of the 4.

Okay, then let's do it. That makes sense. I'll build the quarry and then trade for wood.