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RE: Week eleven Colonye post: Undeads

in #rpg6 years ago

• 2 Lumberjacks will cut wood/ Lumberyard
• 2 Hunters (with Blaze) will hunt for food/ Hunter's cabin
• 2 Miners will mine for stone with Gunnar's pickaxe/ Quarry
• 1 scientist will study iron armor/ Research bench
• 1 Armorer will make a studded hide chest piece/ Armorer
OOC: how much iron do I need for this? I will trade the outpost -food for +iron.

Gunnar's cousin Astrid need a word? I will see what this is about.

I have wood available to trade for stone, 1:1, with any of the colonists.
I will trade -10 food to the outpost for +20 stone.


8 hide 4 iron
its a lot of numbers so it all in your colony file behind your weapon.

the outpost dont have a lot iron so you need to find a other source in The future. but now you have a monopoly on making armor.

Ok, so In addition to the trade above I will also trade -12 food for +4 iron.
And then the armorer will create a studded hide chest piece for -8 hide and - 4 iron.