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RE: The Cure For Cancer! Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) - In Depth Tutorial

in #rso6 years ago

I really good writeup on a very important issue. I've been putting out videos about RSO on YT and Steemit for a few years now. They tend to be the most heavily censored videos of any that I ever do. This information can change the world.


Wow, I hadn't realized it was that heavily censored of an issue. For most people, I think they just ignore the info if it isn't coming from someone in a white lab coat... wait a minute, I'm getting an idea...

Hehehe, I like where this is going...
But yeah, there's definitely somebody out there who has been keeping "Cannabis treats and cures cancers" from being widely known. I guess the radiation and chemo industry is now up to a total of one trillion dollars spent every year. Maybe they're worried about losing market share.