Squeezing in an early morning run

in #runningproject6 years ago

It's been a busy time lately - spring is usually a time for many outdoor activities. At home we are redoing our backyard and the husband has built me a huge big box where I can grow all my vegetables and herbs. Also, we've seen some unseasonably warm weather. This is not something we take for granted where I live, so when the temperatures hit the high 20s (Celsius) we head for the beach. After all, this could be all the summer we get this year, so better make the most of it.

Thus, there hasn't been much focus on running the last few days, and even my tennis practice got ditched yesterday as I went for this years' first swim in the nearby fjord. I've been quite happy with settling into a routine of running 3 times a week, but this routine is under threat from outside forces. So, to make sure I maintain my efforts, I ran at the only time I saw I could fit it in today: early morning. Early, as in while the kids were still asleep before going to school. Early, as in before I got ready for work.

I had a hard time getting my eyes to open at this unusual hour, and my mind kept telling me it was nonsense. But I persevered, and I got myself out of bed. And what a morning it was! Sun shining, perfect temperatures for a run, and nature just busying itself getting settled into the day. The birds were going crazy in the forest with flirting and nest making, and since there were no-one else around, the sounds of nature were very powerful.

After I finished my run I went back out with my phone to take a couple of pictures showing how much the scenery has changed. If you have followed my posts, you'll see it's not even two weeks ago the trees were completely barren.

So thank you all runners here at Steemit, being part of this wonderful society is a great motivation for me!

I still haven't settled on a runner's watch and if you have any experiences/ recommendations comments are greatly appreciated.


Thanks for stopping by!

-lil-mich 💖



Pretty pictures! Looks like a lovely place to take a run!

It is my favorite place to run 😄

Imponert! Veldig deilig å starte morningen med trening, men selv hadde jeg ikke klart å stå opp før alle andre for å gjøre det. Skal sette i gang å løpe jeg også, bli en del av dette løpeprosjektet. Må bare bli kvitt forkjølelsen som ser ut til å ha flytta inn hos meg. :)

Det er ikke noe jeg tenkte å gjøre til en vane, men med dette været og alt annet som skjer var det veldig deilig å få til en runde. Det var faktisk veldig fint å løpe så tidlig. 😄 Håper du snart føler deg bedre! 😊

Hadde jo ikke vært så ille vane å få det da :) Ja, det er jo noe med det fine været... Takk, satser på det! :)

Allergi, kanskje?

hehe, jeg er allergisk også, men det er først senere i sesongen (gress), og da sitter det ikke i bihulene med hoste. Er bare en langdryg greie så jeg må smøre meg med tålmodighet og ta det med ro. Så skal jeg også løpe igjen! :) Takk for tips da!

Summer mornings are the best! But indeed, often it's very hard to exploit it.

I often sleep by anchor in the Oslo area, in the mornings it can be quiet, relaxing, only birds chirping ... some few people may be out rowing or paddling ... in the afternoons and evenings there are noisy motorboats everywhere, creating nasty bow waves.

I know! It was actually great running at this hour. Noone else around, just me and the birds. There’s something magical about summer mornings. 😄

The feeling after a run is amazing.

It sure is 😄

Our running shoes have magic in them -
the power to transform a bad day into a good day;
frustration into speed; self-doubt into confidence;
chocolate cake into muscle.

- Mina Samuels

Source for gif
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Resteemed by @runningproject

Very true indeed! 😁

Wonderful path and amazing place.
Keep on running!

Thanks @toofasteddie I prefer running in these forest trails to the paved roads. 😊

Så bra at du kom deg opp og ut. Jeg gjorde det litt i fjor sommer selv, men har ikke tenkt tanken engang enda i år. Nå ble jeg litt inspirert. Det er jo egentlig den eneste tiden på døgnet det funker å løpe når det er så varmt.

Haha ja, det er jo vanligvis ikke det største problemet her, men utrolig deilig med så flotte dager. 😁 Det blir nok ingen vane å løpe fullt så tidlig, men det kan anbefales. 😄

wow that looks amazing, I can't believe you swim in a fjord as well...You should post some pics of that as well?
Regards @run.vince.run

Well, «swimming» is perhaps an exaggeration. The fjord is still very cold, so it was more like «dipping» 😂

So nice place for running 👌🏻

Nice post and photos... did you run before breakfast?

I've done it before but don't likie it - but I'm in the same position as you tomo- a.m. run or no run.

As to a watch I have a Garmin (old) but it seams sensless to replace it what with so many phone ebabled apps.

Yes, I ran before breakfast. I usually like to run early on my off days, though not quite as early as this. I would then eat a banana or some yoghurt before heading out. Just personal preferances I guess. 😁 I hear a lot of people recommending Garmin, so that’s what I’m leaning toward. Thanks for your advice. 😊

Garmin's good - I've only ever had black tea before a morning run... think I'm gonna head out tomo for a 10K.