The Rush hate cult.

in #rush4 years ago


I am not out looking for it, but lots of my friends are posting remarks and stories from the vilest of the Left who're celebrating the passing of our great champion.

We knew it was coming. Their only joy comes when their hate is fed. This is a big helping of it. They will be dancing on his grave for the rest of their lives.

We dittoheads know however that most of the people who spewed venom at Rush never really listened to him, and when they ranted and railed against him that fact would become obvious because they were so obviously parroting what some spinmeister pundit had told them to think about him.

Rush's talent (talent on loan from God) for self-parody was totally lost on the Left. They never got the joke, probably because they were the butt of it. They simply thought he was arrogant and were more than happy to go around hating him for being so, but his fans knew that although he was tremendously confident in his politics, he was an almost extremely humble and grateful man. He was the loveable little fuzzball he so often called himself with Socratic irony.

But the Left was right that he was, in many ways, their biggest obstacle, and for that he earned their hatred. Perhaps the greatest testimony to the strength of his truth and power is that the Left never really tried to refute anything he said in his fifteen on-air hours each week, they merely hurled apoplectic invective at him. It's all they could do. His intellectual arguments were too sound. His best critics actually came from the Right and were delivered usually with respect and awe.

The Left's preening hatred and the impotency of their refutations is proof of his effectiveness. If you can't refute something, simply disparage, deride, and repudiate. When the argument is lost, slander is the last refuge of the scoundrel, Socrates said.