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RE: Excerpt from Matthew Ward channeling - June 28, 2017

in #russia7 years ago

This is idiotic. These "seventeen agencies" are the very same ones that lied about "weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" resulting in sanctions and a war that killed half a million iraqi women and children. Why should you trust them now? Russia didn't "hack" into the election. Perhaps they funded social media bots, but it didn't make any impact on the election. Trump won because the people wanted him to win - all this despite the PROVEN hacking that occurred: Obama's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was caught hacking into SEVERAL state election and balloting systems the night of the election, and flipping votes. 5 states were successfully stolen, and six additional states were attempted but unsuccessfully stolen. Trump has only been in office a year, so there hasn't been time or opportunity to complete the investigation, but there is a report that will likely come public next month that documents WIDESPREAD election and voter fraud - including MILLIONS of non-citizens voting in the 2016 presidential election - enough to have swayed the results. Everything we think we know about US politics, we learn from America's enemies (CNN, New York Times, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, Washington Post, foreign news outlets, etc.). None of what I say here is a lie, or even a belief. It's a documented fact, and the truth will be published to the public soon. Insha'allah, we will jail all the corrupt actors in our country.