The most delicate life is a sacrifice.

in #sacrifice7 years ago

When you hold your hands, there is nothing in it; when you open your hands, the world is in your hand.

A lot of things, the more you are reluctant, the more you can't get, or even lose more.

Money, stored, can only be more and bigger in the number of deposits; to spend the money, you can realize more and better happiness. Live frugally, advocate the rational use of resources, rather than nothing.
Babies are born laughing. Their eyes will catch up with their loved ones. They will cling to their favorite toys. This shows that people are born to pursue happiness, which is the essential difference between human beings and animals.

For a lifetime, anything you can find, money can be earned, but his fleeting joy will never get back again. Sometimes to give up a little, to pay a little, to see the point, to give up a little, you will find that a lot of small things also have great gains.
It is possible to gain more feelings and values than it is held in the hand. It is not to be firmly held in the hands, but an experience, an experience, and even a happiness that can not be calculated with material.

Many things need to take the first step of courage, this year, don't be soft to yourself. To be a little bit, close your eyes and go out, it doesn't matter whether it is good or bad, but the important thing is to go beyond yourself.

Constantly refresh your own records, more constantly to "step on the foot" of the past. Break other people's attitude to you, always keep a new state, to meet all the unknown.
Remember for a moment of weakness and lost opportunities? Remember the mistakes that have been made for the moment? Hope from now on, they all no longer appear, because we are more "ruthless" than the reality! Even if I failed, at least I had worked hard and felt much better than I felt "I could have".

Do not give up to yourself, only the strict requirements of their own people, to meet the larger stage, the opportunity to meet the higher level of people. Please give yourself a little bit!

From today, you have to learn to be good to yourself, to buy something you like, and to eat food. The most stupid person is to take care of the people who are not good at themselves.

No matter how hard it is, you should learn to practice yourself and exercise real value. Only if you make you