in #safehaven7 years ago


  • Cryptocurrencies and computerized resources are another and developing idea that brings guarantees of a future with decentralized stores of significant worth and distributed exchanges. Be that as it may, with any new and progressive thought comes wariness also, doubt.
  • Digital monetary forms are unstable, erratic, effortlessly lost.
  • Once our significant stakes in advanced resources are gone, they can't ever be recovered paying little mind to reasons (straightforward absent mindedness, loss of keys or spared passphrases, or in a few occasions, demise).
  • Losing digital forms of money adds to the numerous issues obstructing the progression and across the board usage of computerized resources in the cutting edge world.

    Their Solution

  • Safe Haven offers an answer for this issue by giving a sheltered, secure, and straightforward means for one's computerized advantages for be acquired by anybody they picked, whenever they picked, while staying in full control of his or her speculation.
  • Safe Haven's mind boggling, yet successful stage utilizes the propelled innovation of Savvy Contracts joined with lawful substances from over the globe. This blend engages Safe Haven Digital Asset (SHA DA) holders to guarantee secure legacy of far reaching advanced resources.
  • Any gathering or association to amplify security and wellbeing in a universe of instability, precautionary measure, and unusualness can use place of refuge's stage.


  • First, the Safe Haven arrangement requires insignificant contribution, which brings about the initiator staying in charge. The initiator may recover their token at any time all through this procedure.
  • Through secure encryption, the initiators keys are part and encoded in the blockchain. The circumstances the key is part shifts between each case (see more on this theme advance in our whitepaper).
  • Through the selection of lawful substances overall by means of our TAN (Trust Alliance System) every individual case is lawfully noted, and conditions for legacy are given on an individual level, reliant on the desires of the initiator.
  • By including both legitimate elements and secure, scrambled exchanges all while leaving the initiator totally in charge, our answer is to a great degree important what's more, exceptional.

    The Necessity of Safe Haven

  • The inheritability of computerized resources is important for advanced advantages for be executed in the worldwide group. Not any more tremendous uses or usage will happen until the point when computerized resources turn into a more secure and dependable resource.
  • Safe Haven is a need on an individual level. Advanced resources are regularly stolen; keys are overlooked, venture based innovation speculations can break, and so on. Place of refuge is the best way to secure any venture or contribution in digital currencies.


In case you're on this page, you positively as of now put resources into cryptographic forms of money and ideally increased some benefit out of it.
Many individuals are acquiring and putting resources into cryptographic forms of money keeping in mind the end goal to build up monetary autonomy, or just to have a few investment funds for their kids. Whatever the reason might be, everything comes down to this; they have to consider securing those advantages for ourselves, and furthermore for their relatives. Fundamentally at Safe Haven we offer you an approach to enable you to build up this in a way that is progressive in the piece chain industry. On the off chance that you are occupied with more data about our task, please don't hesitate to download our white paper and go along with their in our upheaval by apply your email on our landing page.

Basic Principles


The blockchain is a product development for building up advanced trust between clients who encourage exchanges of significant worth over a system. The blockchain empowers trust to be dispersed all through a system, without the requirement for a focal delegate to track, check, and affirm the advanced trade of significant worth. The idea of approving trust from a focal middle person at present supports both private and government institutional structures; be that as it may, , this is turned out to be expensive, moderate, and furthermore defenseless to assault. The blockchain defeats these issues by working as a decentralized conveyed database, keeping up a ceaselessly developing rundown of records called pieces.

Smart Contract

On-chain PC code or "Shrewd Contracts" are PC conventions that encourage, confirm, and implement the execution of an agreement, making a legally binding proviso pointless. Keen contracts regularly imitate the rationale of legally binding provisions. Savvy contracts can trade cash, property, offers, or anything of significant worth in a straightforward, clash free way, while maintaining a strategic distance from the administrations of a go between. Conventionally, a procedure would expect installment to an agent, government office, bank, legal counselor or on the other hand a public accountant, and afterward a preparing time before the receipt of merchandise or administrations.
In any case, savvy contract innovation robotizes this procedure. Shrewd contract innovation can be contrasted with a robotized candy machine: cash is saved into the machine and the coveted thing drops for accumulation, as long as the right sum is kept. In examination, with a brilliant get, the cash is stored into escrow on the blockchain for a receipt of an exchange of a token (e.g. an advanced testament of title for a house), which is quickly moved into a counterparty's control once the conditions are met. Shrewd contracts not just characterize the terms and conditions around an assention similarly that a customary contract does, however it likewise gives authorization of those commitments


As the world turns out to be progressively keen on cryptographic money, trades and wallets are ending up exceptionally well known. So securing those private keys/seeds or passphrases are turning into a genuine issue.
You can take after a considerable measure of strategies with a specific end goal to safe protect your keys, for example, limiting access to them or utilizing cryptographic equipment stockpiling gadgets to simply name a couple of them...
Be that as it may, what do a great many people do? They record them or transfer them on a unified cloud stage all together not to lose them so other individuals could get to those keys/seeds the day they are not around any longer. This is reasonable in light of the fact that there are no choices


Place of refuge gives donors the chance to secure their advanced resources without locking themselves out. Because of our TFC Share Distribution Key, Escrow Protocol, what's more, the Trust Alliance program, seeds/private-keys/passphrases can be shared among partners or relatives in a straightforward and secure way.
Their convention disperses the offers in a way where the speculator keeps (no matter what) the control over his benefits. On the deplorable and unavoidable day that he/she ought to pass away, an enrolled individual from the Trust Alliance Platform (public accountant) can recover the rest of the offer on the blockchain to pass the supporter's inheritance down to his/her kids or partners.


The Family Circle Share Distribution Protocol Place of refuge's Family Circle is a gathering that can be made out of anybody the client looks over family to companions or partners. The TFC SDP is a convention created by Safe Haven keeping in mind the end goal to set up a hover of trust in our eco-framework. Take for example a merchant (the individual that needs to secure his inheritance) and players (his youngsters and the validator [legal entity]). The merchant will isolate his seeds/enter into a few offers so that on the off chance that anything ever happens to the client his kids can recreate the key by combining their offers, however not without the offer of the validator, which through a keen contract, is supplied on the blockchain in a protected and straightforward way.





White paper:
ANN thread:


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Excellent. I like it. thank you

you are wellcome =))