in #sanctification5 years ago

In Luke 22:32, Jesus turns to Peter after telling him that he would deny him three times and said, "But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not, and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. He knew that Peter would mess up. He also knew that Peter would pick himself up and move on. He knew that Peter would overcome this big error. He knew that Peter would overcome, and become a mighty leader in the Church of Jesus Christ!


Jesus prayed for Peter. He did not want him to fall. He wanted his soul to be preserved even though he was going to deny him three times. We need to look at each other the same way. Noone knows what is going on with the prople surrounding them. There is so much that all of us keep hidden. Everyone knows that everyone faces issues that must be overcome. They will destroy a persons soul, if allowed to. We need to pray for each other as believers. Pray that God will keep us. Pray that we as believers will always pick ourselves us, confess our failures to Christ, and then move on with His hand in ours. We may not know what is going on with each other, but we can support each other with a prayer of perservation!


We need to pray for each other as believers. Pray that God will keep us. Pray that we as believers will always pick ourselves us, confess our failures to Christ, and then move on with His hand in ours. We may not know what is going on with each other, but we can support each other with a prayer of perservation!


Peter was already a believer. The word here actually takes on the meaning of growing up, being matured, or in theological circles: being sanctified. As believers, we do not get up from the alter having conquered all. We still battle the flesh, but must overcome it. As we spend time in prayer, as we spend time in the Word, and as we spend time in fellowship with other believers, our spirits take control and subdues our flesh. The more this happens, the more noticible our spiritual maturity is. This is a continual process. If this process ends, you will probably be like Elijah and God will take you off this earth.


When we achieve VICTORY over areas of our life, we are not to be selfish and keep it to ourselves. We should use our testimony of the ordeal to help other believers that are struggling with your former issues. You shoujld not feel condemned by your former faults, you should feel victorious, because YOU HAVE OVERCOME!