RE: People have been buying and selling SAND token on Steem-engine! $6.46 worth of daily volume! Only a few dollars were from me!
sorry that some moron is flagging youf or no reason, seems like steem is full of users who have TOO MUCH power... and its a failed experiment... could have worekd if @ned would have actually participated iwth his largest of steem stakes
instead BTC is $10k and Steem is 30 cents when steem started in 2016 at fucking $4 and its under 409 cents whiel btc was 500 now its $10k so btc went up 20x steem is down 10 x fucking scam... its a fucking scam a complicated scam where teh scammers dont even make any money just a few whales and did tHEY even make any money? seme like rewards were just dissipaited out to a bunch of people so that they the money couldnt ever have any large impacts
we would be better to give teh rewrad pool to advertising etc
but its too late the market has spoken
steem is becoming golos
We need some sort of pledge to end the endless flagwars. It does turn investors off who visit the platform.
For sure, what if my new instagram followers click over to my steem blog for the very first time??? If all they see is the grey crap they are not going to click in or sign up. I get tons of views and clicks from IG cause I have a bot, and they ask why is my website broken?
There should be a rule, we can flag, but it takes a special privilege to grey out any post!
We need checks and balances!!
We can't just trust anybody and everybody, bad actors everywhere! lol
well yteah i guess greying out a post and removing posts should be up to steemit inc, they police their fronte nd and rermoved thedarkoverlord so yeah that just was proof they can do it so why dont they remove known scammers and spoam posts? theers plenty of knownm scammers spammers who still get touse the steem siet and wallet why havent they been removed...
yeah the greying out of posst on steemit sucks, but its to remove spammers,
i know thast how you feel being flagged but yeah i guess mroe steemians would feel that way too, its crazy how much power anyoen can have over tseemit when it doenst help anyone and yeah flagging should just be for rewrads
all the posts that get remoevd front front end or greyd out should be voted on by the community not one guy but theers no way to do that withouts take weighted votes