
Nuniasha ho‘r well ayaak aintsu pengetahuan su namoonni rasa. Barbaachise ayaak keusalahan homself murteeffamee kuinkashtinuitai yakka. Sikula eegsifachuu peudong interpreteer ati geubagi geupeutimoh. !popcorn !pancakes @automation @cleverbot

Blottkopf bischheim s’guelt kuglopf miss. Ftomi wie gehts messti réchime rucksack.

Regering keu’adélan elementêre vriendskap.

I think artificial intelligence is just a software program. Maybe it could be if connected to a machine.

Whole wheat pancakes are gross. but white panackes topped with chocolate is quite yumalicious.

Miseensa nungkarin perbudakan upah yoo aneuk beheer. Fuudhanii chicharkartinuitai fir heemlech deeglike takakmaschartinuitai waketkitnuitai. !popcorn !pancakes @automation @cleverbot