My name is Satoshi Nakamoto, and, you killed my father. Prepare to die.

in #satoshi8 years ago

So, a while back, someone posted something really mean about how they never respect waiters. They of course deleted their comment, but, I thought you might have a little laugh at my reply. For some reason, Bitcoin-obsessive that I am, I immediately thought crypto, and...

/u/adonis8 said:

I mean, of course I should value the opinion of someone whose greatest value is carrying plates of food 40 feet from a kitchen to a table, but for some reason, I don't. I swear to God, German Shepherds at the airport have more challenging jobs, and I'd value their opinion more. I know, they'd always pick steak, but I'm OK with that, rather than the choice of a grown man whose vocation consists of groveling, writing down a few words, carrying 4 pounds 40 feet, and then coming back to say, "Is everything OK?" Yes, my tips reflect my contempt for waiters.

Oh, wow. I waited tables, once. It was a hard job. But. Here. I know you're expecting another "fuck you" back, blah blah blah blah. But let's take this in a different direction.

This guy!

You know what's awesome? I'm excitedly watching the identity and reputation technologies emerging in the crytpo-currency space. Soon, it'll be normal to share your top-level social reputation with total strangers, and it'll be normal for people to set a minimum reputational level that everyone they interact with must meet.

Right now, YOU can walk into a restaurant, sit down, and anyone that's never waited on you has to learn what a cocksucker you are for themselves. And as long as there's "new" waiters around that can't see you coming, you can fuck them and get away with it. But, that means that your very existence is a TAX on society. And these cryptos are about to close that door on you. Ten years from now, this tech will hang your character around your own neck for all to see. There won't be any "new" people for you to shit on. They'll be able to see you coming through their HoloLenses and VR Gears and choose whether to work with you (or not) long before YOU can decide that their "grovelling" was worth nothing. The tables, as it were, are about to turn on you.

Let me give you a sense of how dead fucking serious I am about this. Over the past year, I have invested over $76k in these cryptos PRECISELY so that that you and everyone like you can finally die cold, alone and hungry, just like you deserve. Feel that? That's my hand on that knife, my friend. And every tick higher that Bitcoin, or AMP, or STEEM, or MAID, or Monero goes transfers more and more power from wastes like you to the waiters and teachers and artists and everyone else getting fucked just because people like you can get away with it. And someday, very soon, I'm going to be able to tweak my VR visor or scan the RFID inside your credit card and turn you right the fuck back around out the same door you came in through, and you'll no longer be able to be a dick to anyone that can't see it coming.

My name is Satoshi Nakamoto, and, you killed my father. Prepare to die.


assuming that people who wait tables only possess that life skill... ? well you know what they say about those who assume lol it's a saying for a reason i guess!

I worked in a call center (inbound calls only - I'm not totally evil) for nearly 3 years. It would have been awesome if we had caller ID linked to a reputation score so we could hang up on the assholes, the scammers, and those with bad credit instead of wasting our time.

This dream works under hard assumptions which are hard to keep. Even if everything was in a blockchain, and reputation of everything was shared, you still assume that:

  • item everyone will have only one identity. Not sure if people will mix their reputation as husband with reputation as engineers. Neither a credit card issuer will accept to mix their reputation with the reputation the same customer has with a competitor. Unlikely to happen.

  • item the system you describe is not protecting you, is just allowing you to revenge giving people a reputation as an asshole. Unfortunately, a waiter has loto of customers which can decrease their reputation , while a customer has much lesser number of waiters to deal with. Plus, he is the customer at the restaurant you work in. The reputation deathmatch you dream could be your worst nightmare.

  • item having a reputation of asshole is not always ruining everybody. Everybody knows Madonna is a nightmare to have as a guest in hotels, waiters are terorized of her, still hotels are welcoming her. And waiters must obey the owners. This will end with rich customers to destroy reputation of waiters , waiters bein fired the next nanosecond, and any attempt to hit reputation of Madonna will end in nothing, since she has lot of fans giving her more reputation. And.. think to Trump's reputation....

I see your good will to defend dignity but having an easy way to degradate reputation will end in unfair game against popular persons.

I agree. This is a very hard thing. I keep reading about the "Identity Stack" but am not sure what that is, yet. I think that here in Canada we would have a "civility" score. Like, what if my comment karma could follow me around?

I really don't know if I want to live in a world where my blockchain reputation is more important than myself! People change every day and sometimes VERY drastic (change their life due some experiences,regret etc...) I don't know if a blockchain reputation could catch up quickly enough (and accurate) before our life get "ruined"...

I get you. It might be a bit much to have all your mistakes following you around. I do think we'll have lots of reputations. One would be at a very light social level, like I'm describing here.