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RE: SBD Potato Day 56: DAO Proposal Funded and Post Frequency Updates
I think we all need to focus on figuring out if concerns issued by @phgnomo are valid. I really can't tell. But if he's right (I think he made very good point in his post ), this whole action will achieve nothing.
what exterior exchanges are listing SBD?
Have a look at smooth’s comment on his post, smooth is an early adopter of Steem and co-founder of Monero, don’t u think smooth will have a better idea of what will and will not work? That post just bedazzles users with copious amounts of info so users think it must be right since there is so much data.
Being an early adopter doesn't mean that he knows everything.
Yes, I got a few things wrong about the conversion mechanics, but they are already correct, and yet, my conclusions stay the same.
And now providing users more info is now something bad?
A bad habit around here is that just because a witness say that something is true, everyone must agree, say amen, praise how wonderful the witnesses and shut up.
And everyone else that is critic about anything is always wrong.
I still don't think I am wrong. @sbdpotato is a useless project, won't achieve anything of value, and it even contribute to make steem image even worse than what already is.
I most certainly don't know everything but I do know that the effectiveness of sbdpotato in helping to restore the convertibility of SBD into $1 worth of STEEM (by reduction of the SBD supply, the debt ratio, and therefore the conversion haircut) is a mathematical certainty under a limited set of very reasonable assumptions (such as Steem having non-zero value).
Any claims to the contrary are either mistaken or deliberate misinformation.
You're a fucking retard. That's what I know.
$25 does NOT mean it won't be on trending, take a fucking look for yourself, retard.
People smarter than me such as smooth and stoodkev (who coded the cap on the autoposts) also didn't think it would land up on trending, it's an honest mistake to make, no name calling necessary.
Well, moron, they do. Quit fucking up the site with your worthless bullshit.
You're not doing ANYONE a favor.
Limiting the payout should reduce votes, given that people voting it higher than $25 are not only wasting their vote but also earning zero curation. It may not happen immediately as there are some programmed votes and people may make mistakes, but few like to continue pissing money away, especially larger stakeholders.
The first capped post got voted up to $53 ($28 worth of wasted voted), but the second up to $33, and the third up to $31. So it does appear people are figuring it out.
For me as a author this initiative feels arrogant. I guess it's the arrogance of investors towards content creators.
I know you mean that it is what people vote on, thus being ok. You could say the same about bidbots. De-centralized doesn't mean that the authors do not bear responsibility.
And if authors are not rewarded properly, but posts like this are, this platform will feel empty soon.
Bidbots are not what people vote on, they only vote on what they are paid to vote, so there is no opinion being expressed, just purely counting the payment (also known as a bribe).
No one personally benefits from the votes made here. The only gain to be had is seeing the results contribute to the success of Steem, which, ultimately, benefits content posters too. The number one contributing factor in lower rewards to authors is the decline in the price of Steem. Working or improve every aspect of Steem is in the interest of everyone, authors included.
You can disagree with the opinion of voters that this is a good use of reward funds, but it is still an opinion. Downvote if you like; that's the mechanism we have to disagree about rewards.
People also agreed to use bidbots...
anyways, don't want to nag any more, and trending... whatever.
I did reread the whole thing once again with comment section in particular. It made me support both @sbdpotato and @burnpost ideas.
Don't know if it will succeed, because SBD does not seem to me to have purpose - STEEM is widely listed on markets and it's rates to $ aren't very volatile
There might be some others but be careful, there are reports of broken wallets and frequent withdrawal problems.