BROTHERLY LOVE...1John 4:7-11

in #sc-n6 years ago


Love is described in Songs of Solomon 8:7 as being so strong that many waters cant quench it. It is further described as having more value than all of ones possessions because it satisfies like nothing else can. Thus; how true then is the word of God! Love is the greatest antidote against evil tendencies because the bible says that God is Love according to 1John 4:8. There is no evil in God and so there cannot br evil in love. However, love is not the misconception the world has taken it to be today. Love is a decision that emanates from thr expression of God's nature. There are two dimensions of Love expression;
a: Love towards God
b: Love towards our neighbors...Matt 22:37-40.
In 1John 4:20:... "If a man says, I Love God and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that Loveth not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God who he has not seen?"
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Consequently, we can only express our love to God through those that are createdin His image. Indeed, the only way to show you know God is to demonstrate His kind of Love to others. Unfortunately, many of Us only showlove to those who show love to us and hate those who hate us...this is selective kind of love expression...Luke 6:32-33.
"For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? For sinners also love those that love them. And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? For sinners also do even the same"

God requires us to love even those our enemies and to also love our fellow brethren more. In Gal 6:10... God places higger value on loving our fellow brethren.
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Yours truly if you find it difficult to love people. It is obviously a show of the fact that you haven't had a genuine encounter with love bestowed on us by our heavenly father in that he declared us forgiven from our sins and called us his children (1 john 3:1). I therefore encourage us this day then to give our life to God and thus embrace his divine love. More so, for many who are struggling with loving alot of folks who have wronged them in the past, i pray you have experience with the holy spirit to teach you on how to manifest God fruit of Love. God bless you with his love Capacity in Jesus name. Cheers.

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