in #sc-n6 years ago

#Discipline is a training mechanism and act which requires a child or a person to obey rules anf follow laid down instructions that sometimes involve corrective punishment for wrongdoings.

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In Proverbs 23: 13-14 and Ephesians 6:4, God clearly established He expects parents to discipline their children. Parents who however fails in this responsibility sufferes dare consequence as sren in 1Samuel 2:27-34.

God is just and cant require discipline from earthly parent and while He fails in his responsibility to discipline his own children as the heavenly father. All acts of disciplining God's children ultimately comes from God and the method used ared determined by him (God).
NB: His motive is always love, while his goals remains making Us partakers of his holiness (Heb 12: 10)

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God discipline hus children as part of his covenant with them . Invariably, only disciplined children of God have access to his covenant blessings.
Job 36:10-11 says:

He openeth also their ear to discipline, and commandeth that they return from iniquity. [11] If they obey and serve him , they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.

Interestingly, God in his infinite wisdom has set discipline as the number one criteria for ascertaining true children of God.
Hebrews 12:8 says:
But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.

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Consequently, if you notice that you ate getting away with sin and immorality without any type of warning or discipline from God, then you can be sure that heaven doesn't recognize you as a true child of God. As a person accepts the Lordship of Jesus Christ, he or she becomes a genuine member of God's family and the love of God will immediately kick start the process of discipline in order to bring the new covenant in perfection in due time.
May you always cooperate with God for the purpose of receiving proper discipline. As a child of God,receiving divine discipline with humility comes with great benefit. Discipline prevents children of God from going astray and brings us to perfection. It makes us humble, wise and successful, helping us acquire spiritual growth and maturity. Disciplined Christians easily overcome temptations. They are like smooth stones in the hand of God and are mightily used by God against the kingdom of darkness. Open your heart to receive Godly discipline and correction today.

Cheers and thanks for your time. If you are blessed by this piece kindly resteem, comment and upvote.


It is good to discipline our children so that they can give us rest too. God is always happy when disciplining chilsren in the right ways

Honestly true ma. I couldn't agree less. Unfortunately there is a big break in thr gap in discipline in recent times. So much tolerance for truancy and wayward attitude. Thanks for your contribution.