in #sc-v5 years ago

I have been amazed at many of the human misfortunes. There are some that cause pity for how serious they are and others cause anger. But more anger is felt by the attitude of people who enjoy a good state of health, and that gives them reason to react discriminately with those who suffer a physical impairment. Cruelty reaches unsuspected limits. Being disabled in today's society is nothing short of a sin, and that has been seen by Destellito in his travels around the world.


The handicapped must endure ridicule, jokes, abuse of all kinds, which practically make them pariahs of society, not considered by those who should protect them and ensure their well-being, even the temples, for the most part, do not have Access enabled for those who use wheelchairs.

The Disabled.-
On one occasion, a man in a wheelchair, was walking on a major street in a city, about two years ago due to an illness suffered the amputation of both legs. At that time his mood was not the best, he thought it was useless, and that it was only a burden for his family, many nights he cried bitterly for his condition. Until attracted by the bustle approached the place where it came from. It was an evangelical temple. He positioned himself as best he could to hear what was being said, he could not enter because there were stairs. That church was campaigning to win souls for Christ. The man enjoyed the songs, the music, and the sermon that spoke of the Beatitudes. When the preacher invited people to go to the altar to accept the Lord Jesus as personal Savior, he could not do it.

Says the Word of God, said Destellito, in 2 Samuel 9:13: And Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem, because he ate always at the king's table; and he was crippled on both feet.

The story of Mephibosheth is beautiful. Eating at the king's table was an exceptionally given opportunity, he was Jonathan's son, and out of love for him, the king

David determined that this handicapped man was at his table.

This story is a kind of Jesus Christ, he said: he who comes to me, I do not cast out. John 6:37.

I think, that many physical handicapped read my reflections, to each one I tell them that if they believe in Jesus Christ they will also sit at the table of the King of Kings. The Kingdom of heaven with its abodes, have also been built for you. And if society discriminates against you, Christ Jesus loves you and receives you as such, because He does not look at what is before your eyes, but your heart. If in the life you lead you lack an arm, a leg, an eye, fingers, or any other part of your body, in eternal life you will be complete because there in glory there are no disabled people.


True @clicket, God does not look like the natural man looks, God looks at the heart and with compassion.
Thanks for sharing