in #sc-v5 years ago (edited)

«He will turn the hearts of the parents towards the children, and the hearts of the children towards the parents»

Yesterday preparing the topic for the blog, I was a bit blocked because I did not know exactly what to write. Or about that among so many things that I have in my mind. Suddenly I was surprised finishing this article and, reading it, I said to myself: if it is what God wants me to publish, then it goes without editing, it will even go away, because it would take away the essence. And, here goes ...


This topic is very ambiguous as to whether you have really been a father or not. Well, it is not just giving the necessary, visit it from time to time if you are separated or send from another country things to be the envy of the room because they are imported. Nor claim situations without first take care of a garden and there is to admire and rejoice in its beauty.

Many parents assume their role responsibly and exercise it with love. But those who have fled from this work even knowing that they must be parents of attitude, others of essential recognition of their fatherhood and others away, I make a call to make a basic assessment that will be of that life biologically conceived without your love , to whom is flesh and blood of your blood.

Father who today is frightened, confused or just indifferent, God does not forsake the righteous or the faithful, and your son will be raised if his mother is God fearing and not yet being God, has a blessed plan for him in his immense mercy , so it will give you the opportunity to be successful. However I want to remind you that much of your abandonment or lack of love, can generate in that personita a very delicate bond that leads to generational curses of which they are not guilty, because your battles you hunted and you have no responsibility your acts

One thing you must be sure of is that in life everything has causes and effects, and the bad or good decision depends on your curses or blessings and maybe not immediately but in the long term, unless you take the reins of your fears and give them a footnote to the past to start with God's backing to proceed like a true father. Go where your son is who longs to feel you even if his reaction to you is rebellious. Ask for forgiveness and cover yourself first with prayer and the blood of Christ so that God will be the one who speaks for you and breaks your hardness of heart and the bitterness of your son.

To put in your mouth what you are really feeling to say, do not demand respect that you have not earned, because that does not impose, that is won with love. Above father, fight and forward that if you did something wrong in the past today God gives you the opportunity to recover that child that you left adrift by pride, selfish influences and bad head.

Your son waits for you and it is not easy for him to see how his friends prepare for that great celebration of the father. He being as loved of God as anyone is suffering because he has not yet understood or will understand because you are not by his side. It's time to start and with intelligence, example, respect and much love. Go ahead that God supports you, do not lose heart that for those who love God everything is possible ... your son needs you ...


The father is a very important figure is the head of the family, so God said, therefore the good father is one who instructs, educates, guides and does what is necessary to transmit Christian values to their children for their social welfare and moral
Thanks for sharing @elgringo.