when we believe in God we see his hands working

in #sc-v5 years ago


Each of us has needs and that God knows, He knows us and evaluates as we walk with Him.

The Lord tells us in his word that for him who believes everything is possible, here is a key word: believe !; in the life of a Christian everything must revolve around faith, which means in a few words believe and not only believe in anything, but believe in the all-powerful God, the only and unequaled.

There are so many things that we ask the Father and we wait for him to fulfill them, but it is up to us to believe in what we are asking for and to believe that God will hear us and fulfill that request.

We have to be constantly asking the Father to help us, to give us patience, but above all to open our spiritual eyes to see his hands work in our lives. Each of us as children of God must yearn to see beyond the earthly, or what our sight allows us, because in the spiritual world there are so many things, that we would be amazed.

But certainly to see beyond we must also believe, without faith none of us can see the Lord that is true and much less we will see his wonders and his hands work for us.

Hebrews 11: 1 "Therefore, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."


@gloriana071 if we, believe God He will work wonders on us we just need to have faith like a mustard seed for God to pour out his glory in us, for nothing is impossible for Him.