in #sc-v5 years ago


May the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

It is pleasant to share an interesting message related to the harmony produced by the true and sincere unity of the brothers when they are gathered in one body.

David highlights it in Psalm 133: 1, when he says:

Look how good and how delicious it is to inhabit the brothers together in harmony.

The harmony between the blood brothers is the satisfaction of the parents. When the unity between siblings is reflected in a home, it follows from the good discipline and teaching of the parents. The brothers who respect and help each other, without any selfishness, give great honor to the parents. Family harmony enjoys a lot of respect and honor in society.

Good and disciplined parents orient their children with the statutes of the Word of God and teach their children the fear of God. I say this, because my parents raised me since I was little in the ways of the Lord and this helped me get along with my brothers. You breathe harmony, peace and enthusiasm to serve God.
These words of the psalmist David encourage me to persevere in unity with my brothers in blood and with my brothers in Christ.

In the congregation, all the brothers in Christ are called to be together in harmony. This refers to the fact that we should not be in conflict, in gossip or sowing discord among the brothers. For unity to prevail and harmony emerge, we must be united in the same heart and in the same spirit.


Very beautiful this reflection @ jacobbendice, really God longs for the unity of his people.
Thanks for sharing

Amen, it is a pity that so many Christian churches fight among each other and don't work together in harmony. Thank you for sharing.