in #sc-v5 years ago

Through Isaiah 35, we are looking at the five marks that should characterize the lives of people under the reign of King Jesus. We have seen the first brand: My Life will become a place of beauty and song - the second brand: My life will become a place of strength - the third brand: My life will become a place of miracles - and the fourth brand: My Life will become a place of holiness.


Today we will look at the fifth mark: My Life Will Become a Place of Rejoicing (v. 10).

“And the redeemed of Jehovah will return,
and they will come to Zion with joy;
and perpetual joy will be upon their heads;
and they will have joy and joy,
and sadness and groan will flee. ”

“And the redeemed of Jehovah will return…” Where from? I wonder. Like the prodigal son, they will return from far away from the Father's house - they will return from slavery and captivity - they will return from a life full of rebellion and sin, a life of scarcity and hunger for God. Because far from the house of our heavenly Father, that is what we live in: servitude and oppression, perversity and guilt, poverty and need. As much as we seek abundance and fulfillment outside the house of God the Father, we will not find them. Only in “Zion”, representing the kingdom of God and our heavenly home (where we have partially arrived and where one day we will definitely arrive to live forever with our heavenly Father) will we find everything we seek to be complete. We will return home where we are yearned for, accepted, valued, loved and celebrated - where sadness and groan flee - where joy and perpetual joy reign.

Friend: what is your life like today? Are you far from home, sunk in slavery to people or things that oppress you and want to destroy you? Are you far from home, living in scarcity and poverty? Are you far from home, drowning in a sea of ​​loneliness, sorrows and afflictions? If so, go home. Your Father in heaven is waiting for you with open arms and heart.

Or, as a prodigal and redeemed son, have you already returned to the house of your heavenly Father - and there have you found acceptance, courage, love and celebration? Psalm 16:11 says: “You will show me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; delight your right hand forever. ”In the presence of God is everything we desire, everything we seek - grace and mercy, delight and happiness, rest and peace. Amen.


Well you say: In the presence of God is everything we desire, everything we seek: grace and mercy, delight and happiness, rest and peace. Outside of Him we will not find these fruits of the @taty17 spirit, thanks for sharing.