in #sc-v5 years ago

I don't know how much time we dedicate to God, how much time we leave to speak delicate words of love, to tell him how much we feel for Him, or perhaps we have already neglected our beloved. But I do know that He wants us to dedicate time to him to raise pleasant praises, to worship with new songs and to find in us what he pitifully seeks:


But the hour is coming, and now is, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; because also the Father such worshipers seeks to be worshiped. (John 4:23 KJV)

Therefore, my desire is that my Father can see in me and in you a worshiping heart, a sincere heart, full of his love, He seeks from us a life of worship, not that we worship him sometimes, or in circumstances, He wants Our whole heart, not part of it, wants to make us true worshipers, but for that there must be an attitude in us to also be able to seek that which God seeks in us, we must have determination, will, because God does not oblige us, but it would be easy. He wants our effort, our passion, our restlessness for wanting to meet him and find him, he wants to be our Beloved, but he can't really be it for us if we don't know him, he wants us to seek his presence, that we can enter into a communion so that we can wishing to find and see his face, as King David longs for him, because he knew that God was much more than he understood in his mind, he knew that there was much more if he intended to seek him with passion and he understood that there was a unintelligible beauty, incomprehensible through his face:

My heart has said of you: Seek my face. Your face will look.

(Psalm 27: 8 KJV)

One of the things I learned is that in every area of ​​our life we ​​have priorities on which we base our thoughts, projects and ideas and our way of acting will depend a lot on our priorities we have to pretend to be happy.

I want you to focus on thinking about your life, what are your priorities, what is first for you, God, your family, your friends, your boyfriend, having a good time. Examine yourself and try to find answers to this. The most common thing that should be heard of a Christian person is that God is their priority, but I know that it is not always the case, but our center must be Christ in everything, as our place must be our first place before the rest. , what I long for is that God be for me, my first, second and third place because in everything I want to see, in each one of my priorities, from the most important to the least important, in EVERYTHING to Jesus; perhaps it is difficult for us to leave Jesus as our All, but let's meditate on this so wonderful:

But he stripped himself, taking the form of a servant, made like men; and being in the condition of man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient until death, and the death of a cross. (Philippians 2: 7-8)

Beautiful right? So how not to do it if Jesus left his place to come into the world and all for love, so that one day we can obtain true happiness by his side in eternity, he gives us a salvation that we only receive by grace, makes us look holy before the Father to be able to ask for everything in his name and thus receive it, if he gives us the opportunity to be in the very presence of God and be able to confidently reach the most holy place, justified by faith in him who shed his precious blood to cover our faults. We must understand that we are fit to be with him. Beloved, we were called by the Father to know our precious Jesus, therefore seeking his face is our priority.

Everything costs but when there is love, everything is a pleasure, looking for him makes us know him and knowing him dazzles us and when he dazzles us, our passion to seek him even more beloved of the NATIONS grows.

“This is because God is wonderful and he wants to spend moments of intimacy with you, where we can truly worship with words expressed from the depths of our spirit and heart, deliver our new song that is our spontaneous words that are born from within us to deliver them to our Beloved Jesus, may his words flow in our mouth, and may his presence fill up the core of our bones. Let us know Our Beloved, we are still on time, He is LOVE. ”

Can we tell our beloved with all our heart these words? If for you God is EVERYTHING repeat these beautiful words with me and meditate on them, I am sure he wants to hear them from you:

I will praise you, O Jehovah, with all my heart;
I will tell all your wonders.

I will rejoice and rejoice in you;
I will sing to your name, O Most High.

(Psalm 9: 1-2)



@ taty17 it is beautiful to praise with all our heart Jesus who spared nothing on the cross for love of us.
Thanks for sharing.