in #sc-v5 years ago


Which we have heard and understood;
That our parents told us.

We will not cover them to your children,
Telling the coming generation the praises of Jehovah,
And its power, and the wonders it did.

He established testimony in Jacob,
And he put law in Israel,
Which he sent our parents
That they notify their children;

So that the next generation will know, and the children that will be born;
And those who rise up will tell their children,

In order that they may place their trust in God,
And do not forget the works of God;
That they keep his commandments,

And do not be like your parents,
Contumacious and rebellious generation;
Generation that did not dispose his heart,
Nor was his spirit faithful to God. Psalm 78: 3-8

Parents must share their Faith with their children, they must tell them what God did in their own lives. Although they have not done it with us, but their word tells us that we should instruct the child in God's way so that he never departs, and if we are reading these lines it is because God has done wonderful things with each one of us, then, When we have our children, or if we already have them, let us tell them what God has done in our lives, how good God has been and is, so that they can put all their trust in God.

With all this, they still sinned,
And they did not believe his wonders.

Therefore, he spent his days in vanity,
And his years in tribulation.

If he made them die, then they looked for God;
Then they would turn solicitous in their search,

And they remembered that God was their refuge,
And the Most High God his redeemer.

But they flattered him with their mouths,
And with their tongue they lied to him;

For their hearts were not right with him,
Nor were they firm in their covenant.

But he, merciful, forgave the evil, and did not destroy them;
And he turned his anger away many times,
And he did not wake up all his anger.

He remembered that they were meat,
I blow that goes and does not return. Psalm 78: 33-39

We realize that God has many patience, because sometimes we are an unfaithful people, while He always remains faithful, the people of Israel as he says in this psalm, even with all the miracles that God did with them, they again tempted God, let us take this example, so as not to repeat it and not be ungrateful to God.

He discarded Joseph's store,
And he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim,

But he chose the tribe of Judah,
Mount Zion, which he loved.

He built his sanctuary as an eminence,
Like the earth that cemented forever.

He chose David his servant,
And he took it from the flocks of sheep;

He brought it back,
That Jacob may feed his people,
And to Israel his inheritance.

And he fed them according to the integrity of his heart,
He pastored them with the skill of his hands. Psalm 78: 67-72

God chose Judah and David, he says he loved him, Judah means praise, that is why God has chosen us as his people because he loves us and we praise and adore him with our lives in offering to him, from generation to generation.


When we come to Jesus, we accede to a new identity, we become his legitimate children, because he himself has chosen us as a special people.
Thanks for sharing @ taty17.