in #sc-v4 years ago


The harvest truly is great but the labourers are fewm ” (Luke 10:2).

Indeed, the labourers were few at the time Jesus made this statement, for He had only twelve (12) disciplines to work with. However, He did something awesome on the Cross of Calvary, for His death and resurrection brought forth more labourers throughout the world.
Jesus speaking, said unto you and me, “God your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves” (Luke 10:3). This statement surely says it all; for as witnesses, we shall face tribulations, rejections and hardships as we sojourn on this great jorneey. For the wolves here indicate trouble, those who mock and laugh at you for being a witness, throw stones at you and make life unbearable for you. In all these, be strong and steadfast for the Lord is with you. Luke 10:16 says, “He that depiseth you depiseth me; and he that depiseth me depiseth him that sent me”. For every stone hauled against you, for every insult the enemy has brought your way, they are indirectly doing this unto the Lord, for He is the one who sent you. But for every negativity thrown at you from a city or people, the Lord says, “It shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city” (verse 12). Meaning the destruction and desolation which Sodom and Gomorrah faced, shall be nothing compared to the judgment which faces your distracters.
The days of God’s great harvest is here with us. Man cannot live purposefully until he understands his mission in God. So, go forth and advance the kingdom through supernatural force. For the harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few. Tell everyone about Jesus. Jesus, while on earth lived as a man of assignment; you too must follow thus. Touch lives in your school, office, family, business centers and neighborhood.


Lord Jesus, I thank you for counting me faithful and worthy to be entrusted with this great task of soul-winning.
Help me to fulfil this ministry and carry your presence to the ends of the earth, as I influence my generation for you.



Great words. Lord help us.