Why are we sure that Freewallet's actions are SCAM!

in #scam4 months ago


Freewallet support claims they are not scammers. They convince that the administration blocks wallets only for security reasons. Great. Then why do you ignore clients who provided you with ALL documents?


Here is a screenshot of one of the clients who purchased 10 ETH in 2017. The user stored the assets in his Freewallet wallet, and when he tried to withdraw... he received a notification that his account was blocked. The client did not suspect that he was faced with a scam. He diligently sent support more and more documents, scans, photographs. I even had an interview with an application employee through Skyme. But to this day the wallet remains blocked.

Do you still think it’s possible to pass Freewallet KYC?

Hey, Freewallet team! Instead of trying to convince us that this is not a scam, just show us that we are not telling the truth. Unblock this client’s wallet. This is elementary, and you can immediately proudly announce yet another ridiculous accusation.

Please take another look at ticket #493948. Don’t ignore the client, because he provided all the documents and evidence, didn’t he?

But as long as this user’s wallet remains blocked, like the accounts of hundreds of other clients, we will continue to confidently assert: Freewallet uses KYC just as an excuse to steal your assets!