The Dollar Vigilante EXPOSED - God's Gonna Cut You Down

in #scam8 years ago (edited)

(I'm truly sorry for the non-circlejerk post guys)

Maybe it's the loser in me, the one who doesn't like to see shady guys flaunting money and giving life lessons to honest hard working people all over the world that can barely survive on $10 per day.

We are throwing money at schemers and scammers, electing them as the faces and unofficial promoters of this platform.

Whales promote these schemers, these snake oil sellers and marketers and then justify the obscene payouts. "He writes great posts", "He has insights", "He brings mo people mo money", "Users upvoted him, that's all".

They don't understand they are making Steemit look worse and make their detractors even more skeptical of how the whole platform works. And what's worse, many think he earned all his upvotes fair & square. He did not, the vast majority just upvoted and commented to get some rewards, look at how the tides are turning now, he's getting plenty of downvotes and many great posts criticizing his behavior. But the fear is real, the system is machiavellian. Whales have the same power to upvote as to downvote, it's not easy to speak the truth here, this may very well be the most refined selfcensored social media platform on the Internet.

Steemit is rotten to the core.

Money is king.

Users won't stop at nothing to get that sweet 0.002 SP reward.

You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down

Links for the lazy ones as requested:

(Let's see how uncensored Steemit really is...I'm eating downvotes for dinner tonight)


moonjelly, u FORGOT 1 thing!... Where is ur own evidence and PERSONAL facts to support ur claims/ ur side of the discussion ?... Did I miss something? x

I noticed your mention of me so I just dropped in to say thanks for the kind words. I've been making a conscious effort to vote up as many deserving newcomers as possible lately, even though I know it dilutes my voting power, because I know how encouraging it is to be recognized early on. I'm not alone in this effort either. I've been networking with a lot of other movers and shakers around here and they're doing the same. Did you see the $26k make-up tutorial from like a month ago? Nothing like that lately. The trending page looks much tamer now, by comparison. Still not quite right, of course, but definitely a step or two in the right direction.

Hey man, I didn't mentioned you in vain, I've been up voting you since I signed up here and I actually remember commenting that you got so many upvotes but not so many views in your videos. I was always a "view". You are one of the good guys in my book, I've only named a few but I know there's a lot more. But if scum like this make 15k that's all the proof I need to know you are still outnumbered. Still many people thinks it's well deserved and prefer to keep quiet. In my opinion that's not the way to grow.

Thanks, moonjelly. I've just had to make peace with the fact that the good people are the slim minority and probably always will be. Starting a new website won't change that. :/

I don't know if a new site is needed. I have many doubts about this one already. This whole thing turned into a political debate basically. One side supports that whales should have all the power to decide what's good and what's not, wherever that's good or bad content doesn't matter. As I mentioned in this post, that's not a true reflection of the community, it's just the reflection of people with more wealth, that's it.

And I don't agree with that at all but it seems a very popular idea with "free market" supporters. I'm from South America and I've seen the consequences of these systems firsthand that's why I'm on the other side of the spectrum.

What's worst, I don't consider myself a leftist, communist or whatever other tag this guy threw at me in his posts. I've seen that other side too sadly.

I didnt mentioned???... what sort of English is that, dude? I guess a person under pressure, that feelunder pressure`. Not to worry, moonjelly... there is another way, dude!?!

I would like to add my comment for you as well . Hope ok to put my link
It's easier than to write again :
I make sure I always surround myself with good, down to earth, fun, real people, who always keep me grounded.
I can't get along with narcissists, men who think they are better than others. Bright red colour enters my brain and boils up when I meet " Show-Off's ". I had to learn how to calm down and shut up, knowing it is not my duty to confront them. Let them find out alone where life will take them with a repulsive attitude.

That's an awesome post and I agree with everything you wrote. However social media is controversial by default. If you put money in the mix, well you have a molotov bomb right there and it becomes a social war. Like many of us said in previous posts, I think true, open and honest discussion is healthy. I don't like people saying "don't post that", "stop complaining", "you are just envious of his success".

Things get solved with criticism and hot debates too, not everything is perfect and certainly not this system, at least not yet and perhaps it'll never be, but I have faith it can improve if some changes are made.

Will I improve Steemit it making posts only about how great it is and how you can become a Steemillionaire in 10 steps? Certainly not.

@alexgr I swear I posted this one already, but I'm not seeing where I did. So I thought I would give this to you because it felt relevant. If you've seen me post it somewhere before let me know and I'll delete this comment. So assuming you haven't seen this, consider keeping a large stack of them on hand. :D

@moonjelly not commentary on you, just @alexgr has been mentioning butt hurt a lot lately. I thought he might like a handy meme.

I'll need at least two pens to fill that one!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! :D Great Stuff!!!!

So what? it's true. Don't you just want to punch Justin Bieber in the face? Do you really think Twilight novels are well written and deserve their own movie trilogy? Good for them? F* them!

It's bullshit and we all know it, I don't give a shit anymore, I'm not voting any more stupid nonsense from now on just to get some SP. It will be worth nothing in a month if this continues.

I'll definitely downvote the shit out of bullshit if I could.

I don't know if it's true. That's what courts are there for. The justice system is supposed to sort "scams" and either clear or sentence the accused. Are there any accusers? If yes, why aren't they filing a lawsuit to take multiple times their money - if they were scammed? The US legal system is full of this stuff (in other countries it's less so).

@alexgr Because the sale doesn't occur in the USA. There are plenty of people both satisfied and dissatisfied with his services. It really depends upon the amount of fear you allow yourself to feel and the relief you get from someone else making it go away.

But since he does these at conferences on foreign soil, US consumer protection laws don't apply. Even if they did I highly doubt this is the type of thing you could sue for. You pay money to hear someone speak. They give you advice, some books and try to sell you a "package". If you don't want the package no one is forcing it on you. If you do buy the package all they have to do is deliver the requested products, which also include more "advanced" stuff and some "one on one" sessions.

It's all in all not that bad. Every motivational speaker works exactly this same way.
People forget that the key to self improvement is that you improve yourself. Once you start doing that, then you don't need Jeff or anyone else.

Anyways, my comment still stands. We need barkers and he's a good barker.

You know what they say about self help books right? The only ones helping themselves and making money are the authors.

I meant low quality post and content. There's plenty of accusations on him online and we can't know for sure what's going on. This post is more about the current voting system and how wrong it is to give attention (and money) to mediocre posts.

The flaw in your argument is that his posts are not low quality. They are well-written, carefully edited, easy to understand, nicely formatted, and are effective in connecting with the reader. If there is no steak to his sizzle then I guess people might lose interest and his rewards will stop, or they might not (after all, the later Twilight movies and books still did quite well).

I couldn't follow the case you were making against him in your post, which doesn't mean that the accusations aren't true, but it most certainly does mean that your posts are not as good as his.

No they are not, at least not 15k worth, I will take that to the grave if I have to. But if you want to justify that, go ahead.

I didn't make a case about him. The case is against the voting system. English is not my native language so I'm trying to do my best, maybe you can understand me perfectly but there are cultural differences that sometimes doesn't translate that well.


@smooth ... with his 24 accounts

Incorrect. In fact I have thousands of accounts (keep that in mind when you are advocating for more "fair" voting) but I only vote with two of them, smooth/smooth.witness. Any other bots you see copying my votes (and there are some) are not mine.

I explained the reason I didn't vote for this post and it isn't because it is critical of Steem/it or the voting system (I have voted for critical posts before). It is because the post does not effectively present a clear message. It is not a high quality post in my (subjective) opinion.

If English is not your native language, then start building a steemit community IN YOUR LANGUAGE. And for fuck's sake, stop with the entitlement and jealousy crap, the world is unfair, the system is broken, yadda yadda yadda. It's really tiresome and pathetic. Figure out how to be successful and get it done. Stop trying to drag everyone else down.

Yeah his posts may be well laid out but 10k dollars? If people like Jeff are getting all the upvotes and the average Joe that writes a good article gets 2 upvotes and $0.00 then how can this website not eventually implode?

Because our friend @smooth here is busy voting him with his 24 accounts but not voting this or many other forgotten posts (this already has too much payout if you ask me, but not enough votes because it should be trending so everyone can see).

To be fair, there are plenty of amazing and honest working people here @jesta @piedpiper @mynameisbrian @stellabelle @roelandp @cass and many others.

They still don't deserve those obscene, gimmicky payouts but I do love them!

I'm not denying the butthurt though, but I won't ever accept bullshit for gold.

I have an issue with the character of some members ! This "DollarBILLMan" has no soul and is not humble . I wish for people with more depth . Just my personal preference what kind of people I like or find annoying . He is one of those I rather would avoid . I don't want his advice . Has nothing to do with butthurt

Exactly my point, thanks for your comment and support. There were a handful of people voicing their concerns in a sea of so called fans. But now the tides are turning...I can smell bs from miles away and I'm sure there are many that upvotes just for the curation rewars, not because the posts are "well written" or formatted. Half didn't even bother to read them, they already know he is making money so if they upvote that's instant rewards for them too.

His last post turned out into zero minus zero !

There were a lot of great posts much better than mine criticizing his behavior. He already got his money but I'm very surprised and glad to see that there's power in our votes after all.


Your welcome to your opinions and expressions here on Steemit, at least I think so. Your bringing up some articles you found on the internet and maybe some of us should check them out;) I just wish you had copied the link address so that the video would be playable.

Sure I'll add them to the post.

Damn these are brutal, why are we upvoting this guy!

I know right...the thing that got me was him giving lessons and half the site praising him like he was a Steem whale overlord. But we are giving him money because we are getting money too, if he post again, 90% will upvote him no matter what he says. The same goes for many low quality content upvoted daily. It's not good content, it's brainless and hollow but we know it's going to the top so we vote. It could be that the creator has a lot of SP or his/her previous posts did well, that's all it takes to be trending in a matter of seconds sometimes. I don't think that's fair or positive at all, but many here will tell you to shut up and just accept things as they are.

I just joined this forum yesterday, thinking it was a place to discuss and exchange info without being censored. It didn't take me long to figure this out. The forum is a microcosm of what goes on in society and politics. You got the money, you got the power, you get the votes. I don't give a rats ass. I've encountered schemes like this before and walked out. My self respect and principles are more important to me than going on dingle berry patrol for some people who throw me a few crumbs of their table. I don't even do it for big chunks. I just stay on to say what I got to say.

Welcome and well...I don't know if you got the stomach to hang in here. I'm a very harsh critic sometimes but I can say that I always found respect so far even if many don't agree with me or my take on how the whole system works. I still post and want Steemit to succeed, but I have a lot of doubts and will never invest in it unless I see some changes or clarifications in their business plan.

Anyway there's also lots of great people (including whales believe it or not!) and VERY interesting content and posts, a lot of them go unnoticed for reasons explained in this post. But it's basically what you said, this is a microcosm and there's a lot of both bad and good people.

@jsteck You're welcome, just another service provided by your friendly neighborhood Moonjelly ;)

Our own marketing guru Jeff Vigilante has been choppin' dollars for a long time!

That's hilarious but I have news for you...Steemit users don't have a sense of humor, they only care about money and keeping quiet. They like people doing support groups and Top 10s on how to write the best post ever. Let's all upvote the most ridiculous shit as long as it's well formatted, yay!

I swear this is the most self-censored machine ever invented.

To be honest I'm still waiting for the first downvote, so I'm doubting myself a little bit.

He has scammed a lot of people over the years but for every poor bastard that gets burned and sees the light, there are ten other suckers to take his place.

Of course, plus the question as to why he has lived all over the world has been answered!

Yeah we're crushing on scammers and tax evaders. I feel like I was enjoying a great night at a $10 craps table and looked up to find myself surrounded by 'those guys' playing the don't.

Was afraid no one spoke craps.

I really loved the Johnny Cash Clip ! Fits perfectly !
Anyways , I really think you should edit your article and write it without any sentiments and more facts . It would have a much better effect and taken more serious . I watched all video clips and have doubts about this man myself . His mouth runs too big .

Thanks @mammasitta, you were one of the only brave people voicing out their concerns, although very quietly compared to me haha.

My intention was not to focus on whatever he is a scammer or not. My point is that whales gave chosen to promote and give 15k and more to a nontalent douchebag like this one and are still trying to justify these obscene payouts. They do this so they can to promote this website, he brings his followers and their money, that's all there is to it. Not talent, artists, great creators, actual celebrities. No, just some big mouth snake oil seller giving me life lessons, earning 20k and call me a loser and a hater, that's the face of Steemit right there. Just check his upvotes, that's all the proof you need. Whales promote this bs, then minnows like me upvote it because we don't have any other option, not because it's good, it's because we earn our rewards. But they choose to believe we are voting it strictly because he has a lot of insights and well written posts. Please.

I have learnt to voice my opinion more gentle . I used to be like you when I was young but it doesn't get any results other than your skin will be cut deep . They need big mouth people to grow the platform for us . I am sure they know what they are doing . We are small fish , colorful and smart but complaining doesn't help at all . Keep Cool !

I'm not so young anymore but like I said in a previous post, there are cultural differences. People with Spanish and Italian descent are very vocal and seem angry and hotheaded. We don't just seem to be, we are! you should see me do hand gestures. Our blood boils when we see inequalities like this, and many americans seem to think that everything is justified and deserved in their naive vision of a "free market". This is after all an ideological debate at some point too.

Many of us just don't trust snake oil gringos sellers with soft spoken voices that flaunt money made on broken promises. It's the vivid image of our own past and present civilization.

Something about him doesn't sit comfortably with me. There is something dodgy I sense

Pick your poison, is it the lack of humility? maybe the condescending attitude?

But he doesn't really matter, what matters is that his posts are full of circle jerking and people telling him how awesome he is. People are afraid to speak their minds here because of downvotes or negative attention and that's the real issue.

I don't care if he has a million dollars, let's stop pretending bullshit is worth 10k. I know it's hard to pass on the curation award but something's gotta give.

I comment (to him) about his narcissism and...he totally missed it.

I think he got the point now and it's making fun of it, I enjoyed his last post.