How much does 3D laser scanning cost?

in #scan11 months ago

Since a 3D laser scanning service has become more and more common in Scan to Bim field, it is going to be an obvious question about the price which has to be determined before any kind of work related to scanning can take place. There are different companies which sell laser scanners in the market and their important factors come when it comes to the requirement of a laser scanning service. Scanning costs can depend on the factors we are going to talk about and we will know about these factors point by point in this particular article.

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Cost of equipment
There are different 3D laser scanning companies are there and they have got their own brands in which they are very much consistent as far as buying the same brand to perform their scanning process is concerned. When it comes to top three major bands for scanning, they include NavVis, Faro, Leica, Geoslam and Trimble. As far as each brand is concerned, each brand has got different cost and some of them become quite expensive.
When it comes to the usage of software, each brand has got different set of software that they are able to use when the process of scanning takes place and the same case goes with software as well as some types of software can be expensive while others cannot be that much expensive. Therefore, the obvious question comes that what kind of post-processing software a service provider is going to be using when it comes to registering point cloud data. This particular process will not only make you understand the laser scanning services of that particular service provider, but you'll also have good understanding as to what kind of operational costs and charges they’re going to have on their services.
It has been seen in a very obvious manner that many 3D laser scanning service sectors start leasing their scanners when it comes to performing their services. This gives the indication that there is going to be a fixed pay when it comes to monthly expenses. This situation also allows clients to think about the cost that a service provider is going to charge and it is going to give a better understanding of the price of laser scanning.

Cost of the scanning team
3D laser scanning is not just about capturing and processing it through the software but it's going to require in-depth knowledge of the management and handling of the data. That data is going to be in the form of point cloud and has to be handled in many different ways. As far as the operator of the scanner is concerned, he/she has to be well equipped with the equipment and the expertise that is needed to go ahead with collection of the data. There are competitors in the market and they have got fixed operational costs because their team has got all those members who play a very important role in going ahead with the scanning process. On the other hand, there can be a team which may not have so many members but the quality that they ensure in taking the scanning is such that they start charging high.
Overall it can be said that pricing is going to be good but there is always a chance for the price to fluctuate when it comes to getting the services of laser scanning.

Transparency and information in laser scanning
As far as the Ontario market is concerned, it’s going to be quite new when it comes to the services of 3D laser scanning services because this is becoming the reason for many companies to start overpricing their services because there is an inclusion of the complexity of the technology. Reality is changing gradually but many other companies have started establishing themselves and they're doing the same because they know that there is a lack of competition and all companies may not have a good technological understanding of point cloud data.
Transparency becomes the key here for a particular client because he/she needs to understand what kind of laser scanning is going to be presented before him/her when he/she really needs 3D laser scanning. We have got clients who were satisfied in the best possible manner because they understood what kind of scanning we were going to provide to them and they did not have to rely on us completely to manage the information once we were able to complete their services and we still maintain the same flow of giving services to our clients.
This is going to be quite common that it’s going to be a two-way street when it comes to 3D laser scanning services because it’s going to require transparency from the end of the service provider and client’s knowledge understanding regarding 3D scanning is also important. This is surely going to maximize the investment and there will be no surprise in it.

Area for scanning
The area becomes the key because if there is going to be a service provider which is going to give 3D laser scanning service to the clients, that's why the service provider needs to know the type of area and the work zone. Evaluation of the cost takes place considering the type of area that exists especially when it comes to the creation of 3D Revit modeling services and CAD drafting services. When it comes to our services, we give cost-effective services to our clients when we get the areas which are between 2000 to 10,000 square meter.
It is also to be noted very carefully that many facilities exist which may not require 3D scanning of the entire area but key areas require good scanning to go ahead with the process. There can be different reasons with can indicate key areas and those reasons can include debottlenecking difficult areas which are going on under maintenance or retrofitting. It is also a great thing to be noted that if there is a large area, that’s going to take more time in the process of the scanning, and for the process, it will also require more time which means it is going to increase the cost of scanning very drastically. So, here the key for the client to understand is regarding the area which he/she must take into consideration when looking for the comparison in services, quality
and the price of different service providers.

We provide scanning services according to client’s requirements and affordability
The best thing that we are able to do when it comes to going ahead with scanning is we understand the client’s affordability and the area. Once we finish that, we are able to go ahead with the process considering how scanning can be done in the best possible manner by giving optimal quality to the client by looking at the size of the area. 3D Laser scanning services can be new in different types of the market but we make sure that there’s going to be a clear, transparent explanation to the client so that no doubt remains in any way when it comes to starting the scanning process.
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