Space Is Not a Cold Place! =O

in #science7 years ago

Good evening dear Steemians!

It's already a common sense that Space is a cold place, However temperature in space is something completely diff than than what we use to understand.

What is temperature?

Temperature is a scale that mesure the average kinetic energy on atoms. that means the higher is the temperature of something the faster its Atoms are moving (or vibrating).

But in Space there is almost no atoms (pretty close to the complete vacum) , that means the heat flowing away from an object in space would be very very slow.

This means that (ignoring the others problem one might have doing this) a person who got their body exposed to the "coldness of the space" would quite probably not fell hot or cold, due to the lack of matter (atoms) interacting directly to its body he/she would experience a lack of temperature feeling even tho the espace temperature average are close to the zero absolute. Crazy isn't ?

This video gives a good explanation about this subject:

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Thank you for reading my post!

I'm @andyluy a Brazilian jobless college student, freshman at cryptocurrencies who live in Rio de Janeiro, love to make new friends , travel around the world, having adventures and believe that steemit can help me to gather 20,000 $ to realize my life dream to study in Japan!

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You know, that is something that I thought of many years ago. I remember I used to hear people say that if you expose yourself to outerspace you will instantly freeze to zero degrees. But in my head I would reason "No, how could you, there's hardly any molecules around you to kick off that process." Your article has proven my point. Kudos. 😁

Yeah, is amazing how people use to just accept and even defend things without questionating. The result is what we see daily in our society, everyone full of mistaken commun sense never thinking about it =P

You are one of the few who actually start making questions. And this is great! =D

I think there is no temperature in space. It depends on which area, whatever is made up of tiny particles and small to quarks.

Information I did not know I was expecting a cool temperature in space
You gave Lanta the best information really