The plane Earth theory

I have decided to discourse about one theme which is being discussed a lot in these latter days. This topic touches the plane Earth.
I think that many people have already seen all those videos which prove us that our planet isn’t the spherical form but the plane surface. As I see, there are a lot of supporters why try to prove that the Earth is really plane.
Of course most of people don’t support such theory and find it unserious. I have decided to write this article as the discourse about this, my own opinion. I don’t even try to prove this or another one theory. Everything I say is just the thoughts about where this theory came from and why.
I think it’s not a secret for anyone that there are some kinds of creatures who can manage the mass mind of the mankind. It doesn’t matter how they are called: “the Grey”, “ Illuminati”, “Reptilians”, “Anunnaks” etc.
So, the basic mass of people live in the Matrix or the System. They can’t see further their own noses from this. These people are the slave product which is ready and good for use. They live according to the System’s laws and don’t break any rules practically. These people are easily managed and it’s not difficult to predict their behavior.
But there is also another group of people, called “Awakened”. These people think that they are relatively free. These people say that the government lies everyone a lot. They like discussing about the conspiracy theories and try to make a revolution in the people’s mind.
As a rule, this all happens being covered by some spiritual flowing. These people seem to be fallen out from the System and they are getting out of control. But I think that’s just an illusion, because there are more difficult mechanism of manipulation for holding such kind of people. There are some theories for holding their development. For example, the plane Earth theory.
I think that now with help of opened and (you will say) conditionally non-censored mass-media the mankind is moving fast in its development. Such moment has come. The mankind is going to the remove to the forth dimension. For those creatures who control the planet (let’s call them as the slave-masters) this development isn’t profitable. That’s why they are trying to do something reverse: leading the people not to the forth dimension’s side but to the second one. In my opinion, the most ideal way to do that is to concentrate the common mind to the plane Earth theory.
The Earth is really plane if only we’re viewing it in two dimensions. Or, if you want, on the second dimension level. If we view the Earth in 3-D, it will have the spherical form, as far as we know. Our planet is more difficult figure in 4-D but we won’t talk about it yet. It’s not a secret for anyone that the life exists not only on the planet’s surface but also inside of it.
The spherical form is good because it has neither beginning, nor ending, no borders. The esotericism calls it “portal to eternity”. As for the plane Earth, this theory is lead to make the borders in the men’s mind. Because every plane subject has the beginning, the ending and the borders.
Our mind will always reflect the planet form where we live on. That’s why the mind of those who support the plane Earth theory is being managed to 2-D level. This theory was thrown for them, but they handled it as the next conspiracy.
Such thoughts visited me after watching two or three videos about the plane Earth.
Flat earth was debunked years ago. it is brought back up by Cass Sunstein (google him), he is skilled in cognitive infiltration. Obama gave him the go head to employ 100s if not 1000s paid trolls online to restart this bogus claim that has I repeat; been debunked. This was to discredit online conspiracy theorists groups by making this long debunked theory spam all over youtube, where numbers and numbers of videos a day would be uploaded by the paid trolls that couldn't even tell that the moon orbits the earth each month and that they don't even believe in the gravity.
It is a psy-op aka psychological operation. It has been done to other conspiracy theories too.
I know, I am in the tinfoil hat community. An many active theorist have debunked flat earth again for the past 2 years. The trolls don't care as long as others believe we don't understand common science. The paid online trolls goal is to discredit.
Thanks, I didn't know that! In Russia this theory is quite new! I learned about this not so long ago...
hola, me parece muy bien