Unconscious British Scientist Stephen Hawking Inventions

in #science6 years ago

Unconscious British Scientist Stephen Hawking Inventions

Einstein live for 76 years. Stephen hawking also saved 76 years. Although doctors said long ago, the hawking motors would not live long in neurine’s disease. Yet he was alive. Given the horoscope of science, explained the complex structure of universe. Through these two works, he proved that physical disability is not a barrier to mental well-being.

Hawking’s rise to science in the 1960s led to the general relativity of Einstein. At that time, scientists did not care much about the theory of general relativity, as opposed to particle physics, quantum electrical mechanics or quantum field theory. General relativity brings new life to two major observational discoveries and some theoretical progress. In 1963 Martin Smid was very bright quasars in space known powerful centers of galaxies and in 1964 Wilson and Penzias invented cosmic radiation (microwave background).

In 1981 Stephen Hawking came to a seminar at astronomy institute in Moscow State University. Even then, he could scold a few words. Only one student had the ability to understand whom he had brought with. The student jumped up listening to hawking and repeating them and writing something on the board. It was very difficult for students to understand anything other than a white circle on the board meant black hole. Earlier in 1973 hawking came to Moscow and after studying black hole with famous Soviet scientist Yakov Jeddovych and Alexey Starobinsky, he attracted to the study of quantum mechanics and quantum gravitation. Jeledovic and Starobinsky, at that time suggested that the quantum process could radiate out which is undeniable. Jeledovic was present at the seminar. Then, in 1985 Hawking had to undergo surgery in the throat, so that he completely lost the speech.

Talking about the radiation of the black hole is not irrelevant here. We know that the fuel goes out, a large mass falls on the center of the star and mass stars are limited in a smaller range than a point, its density becomes infinite. It is difficult to understand what the infinite density is? But Einstein’s general relativity theory says that such a very dense object curved the space-time curtain or container around it so that the “sheet” covers the object and we can not know what is happening inside it. But the Hawking showed the light (neutrinos particles) the black hole is not so black.

But this radiation level is so low that it can not be determined with current telescope. However, according to Hawking’s calculations, the blacker hole radiates, the greater its mass will be reduced and eventually it will be destroyed by a blast. It is difficult to imagine that a solar eclipse will take thousand of years to explode, wher our universe is 1450billions old. However, if the mass of black hole is too low, then they will not have to wait to blast. Many cosmologists thought that in the early 1970’s, there is a possibility of creating a small black hole in the beginning of the universe and if they are already exploded, their light mainly gamma ray we can see now
We, gamma ray astronomers, were watching the gamma ray explosion in the space in the 1980s an 90s. The source of the blast was unknown then. But it is not that the hawking’s black hole was a blast,it was first understood. The reason is that the gamma ray that was expected from the black hole was not the sign of the gamma ray energy. Scientists have almost given up hope to get signalsancient small black holes. And as a source of gamma ray explosion, astronomers have identified the explosions as a collision btween two neutron or a super star supernova.

Having a wheelchair, Hawking’s brain wandered into ocean, such a romantic idea attracted people. People also recognized him for bringing science to the world.