Star Wars episode 8

in #science7 years ago (edited)

It’s just about 10 days until the latest movie of the massive Star Wars franchise is released in theaters! Rate your level of excitement and what are you expectations going into this latest installment?

I’ll go first.. since I’m making this post it’s probably clear that my excitement level is 10 out of 10, higher if that’s legal. I suspect that it is since, again, this is my post. So I’m changing my answer to a 12.

As far as expectation, I’m gonna go kinda deep (that’s what she said) in the Star Wars universe and predict a move by Luke and his followers away from purely the light side of the force. That doesn’t mean a move to the dark side, just a better understanding of the force that encompasses both aspect, light and dark, in teachings. Hence the last Jedi moniker.

I’m in no means, an expert at these things or the first to drop a similar prediction. I’m just an avid fan and enjoy the franchise. May the Force be with you!