Mirror|Mirror .. Fate, Don't Fail Me Now! (Did I Just Accidently Prove The Mirror World Phenomena?)

in #science4 years ago (edited)

(Photo borrowed/found via google image search)

I found an article earlier today that was about a new scientific study that was going to be taking place .. the article was titled:

"Through the mirror world, scientists want to detect parallel universes & exotic matter."

"Scientists are setting up relatively cheap experiments that just might give concrete evidence for a strange notion known as the mirror world."


From my own personal experiences and discoveries that I've come to make in recent past, I have genuine reason to believe that not only does a mirror world actually exist, but it's even possible to interact with it .. I even have reason to believe that it's possible to exist and live within this world by following specific procedures and protocols .. from my recent high octane, gonzo-esque experiences, when you're "in it" it doesn't appear to be much different than the typical world we're used to, in fact it's almost identical in every way .. however, it doesn't appear to be a friendly world, by any means .. from my own recent experiences which I make the claim to have been "in it", it seems that the inhabitants of the mirror world appear to be somewhat hostile and deceptive .. it's as if there are mirror versions of everyone that exists within your normal day to day life, but now they are somewhat psychopathic. (not everyone though, strangely .. just most.)

You can sort of imagine the mirror world to exist along the same metaphoric lines as "the upside down" that was depicted in the popular Netflix series "Stranger Things", however from my experiences, the mirror world isn't so over the top, noticeably dark and dismal .. at least not at first .. the atmosphere while existing within the mirror world is almost imperceptible from the normal "mundane" world .. the ghostly mirror inhabitants as well as their reality, look and behave almost like you and I in our "normal mundane" world in our day to day life, except in the realm I've experienced and was forced to grow accustomed to, it's as if practically everyone that exists within it is deceptively evil and psychopathic, but not in a way that is overt, or in any way that would draw any unwanted attention.

I speculate that the mirror world is much like a simulacrum of sorts .. as if its a simulation OF a simulation that overlays all of reality. This is the realm that I have reason to believe is where the archons exist. (spiritual parasites)

I'm glad a group is finally doing a study on this so science can finally confirm what IS actually going on!

(Metric "Reflections" Album Cover)

So .. there is an album that I know VERY well by the band named "Metric" titled "Synthetica" .. Right now, it's no longer accessible on Metric's official Youtube page .. now in it's place is a series of sub par "songs" on an album titled "Reflections" .. now, to get an understanding from my perspective .. I'm a HUGE fan of the particular album "Synthetica" but I've NEVER heard of this sub par "sub album" in my entire life, and I'm a huge fan of Metric.

I've been experiencing MAJOR glitches in the matrix lately, and this fits right in line with the theory that I've even had before making this alarming discovery .. which is that I've entered into a mirror universe somehow! .. can ANYONE else (Metric fans especially) confirm how strange this actually is??

Hopefully some more Metric fans can come out who can also confirm that "Reflections" suddenly just appearing out of the aether like this is without a shadow of a doubt, immensely bizarre! (this isn't the ONLY clue I've received either, which I will add as I notice them, and as I have time to update.) (EVEN THE NAME "REFLECTIONS" FOR GADS SAKE!)

(I STILL have the FULL album "Synthetica" saved on my phone and in cloud storage to prove it's a real album, just in the odd case that this album suddenly does phase out of reality somehow.)

What gets me the most is that I DO NOT remember "Reflections" AT ALL, and I'm a HUGE fan of the original album! .. the fact that all of a sudden, it just so happened to be that just as I was starting to begin to question whether or not I'm actually existing in a mirror world, immediately after, I go onto Youtube and try to find the "Synthetica" album to listen to (something I can normally do quite easily), and I was met with some bizarre album called "Reflections", and on the official Metric Youtube channel, of all places, the original "Synthetica" album AND the music videos are now entirely missing from Youtube altogether .. at this point, I still can't even find a single link for the music video for "Synthetica"! .. Metric even had many other music videos of other songs from this same album on Youtube, and I can no longer find ANY of them! .. Just poof gone! .. (I'd like THIS to be rationally explained at the very least!) .. This is a personal Mandela effect, for sure!

Here is the "Reflections" Youtube page.. (in my opinion, "Reflections" totally SUCKS as an album in comparison.) :

Keep an eye on this post! .. I will continue to update.

(For the record, at this point in my life I don't go anywhere without informing someone first, and I would under no circumstances kill myself, nor would I ever relapse, since I know how important it is for me to stay clean, especially at this stage in my very bizarre journey. I have reason to feel that it's important that I state this) - "Thadius Elijah Penner"