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RE: Does Aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines cause Autism? New article provides solid evidence it does! (Spoiler: No, it doesn’t)

in #science7 years ago

With aluminum being a known neurotoxin, why put it vaccines in the first place? The same with mercury. Anyone can come up with scientific evidence for whatever it is they are trying to prove or dispute. I’m neither pro or anti vaccines. To me it’s ridiculous to put something that again is a known toxin into our bodies.


With aluminum being a known neurotoxin, why put it vaccines in the first place? To me it’s ridiculous to put something that again is a known toxin into our bodies.

This is a valid concern. However, did you know that there is cyanide in apple seeds, as well as in almonds? However I doubt anyone would advise against consuming them or label them as dangerous.

There are tiny amounts of chemicals and elements that sound dangerous occurring naturally in foods or resources we consume. It's all about the dose and the context in which they are assimilated.

As one of my science teacher's put it once: it's not the same to get a droplet of chlorine on your skin, than submerging yourself in a pool filled with 100% chlorine!

In the case of vaccines, adjuvants help boosting the immune response to the vaccine to make it more effective (something like a "Facebook notification" for your immune system saying "hey, I'm here! You need to deal with me"). But the dose in which they are added has been calibrated to ensure they produce this "boost" effect without causing harmful toxic effects in humans.

Anyone can come up with scientific evidence for whatever it is they are trying to prove or dispute.

In principle, yes, but as I had shown in this article, through critical analysis said evidence can be scrutinized and either be accepted or dismissed.

Yes I did know apple seeds contain cyanide. But as the saying goes, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing." In this case the fear of fruit seeds and bitter almonds and other nuts is based on incomplete data. The compound containing cyanide is amygdalin. And amygdalin compound has four molecules. Two are glucose and the other two, cyanide and benzaldyhide. Those last two sound scary but they are not. They remain bound in the amygdalin molecule and are safely eliminated by the body. I still have a problem with manmade substances, vaccines, with known neurotoxin being injected into the body at any dose. Doesn’t make sense. In otherwords, it’s not natural to do so.

And to your second point about the scientists evidence and it being accepted or dismissed. That works both ways. You think vaccine companies science is any different? And why do vaccine manufacturers have complete immunity, no pun intended, for any harm that is done by there vaccines? No other industry is allowed such immunity. That’s a red flag right there.

Cyanide in apple and apricot seeds!! Yes also know as laetrile vitamin b17... Only releases cyanide in the presence of certain cancers thereby killing them.

Yes! Glad you countered that comment about cyanide. It's a pep peev of mine when people use those types of arguements. For the life of me I cannot understand how someone can be so educated and still regard eating something from nature as the same as something isolated in a lab and then injected through a needle. These arguments are used all the time. Such as with fluoride.

I find it hard to believe they believe their own statements. To me, it seems more likely they're being paid to make those statements. Aluminum is even more harmful when injected than when eaten. I barely passed high school and know this. What's her excuse?

Agreed. Common sense ain’t so common.

"Those last two sound scary but they are not. They remain bound in the amygdalin molecule and are safely eliminated by the body."
This is what the child wished for the tooth fairy to accomplish. Alas, the tooth fairy could not overcome the laws of chemistry. Instead, she came up with an idea! She remembered she had read in the Magus Magnus book that cyanide is released from amygdalin only when amygdalin enters a cancer cell. So she brought under way this neat study to prove that big pharma was withholding the cure all along!:
Ohhh, what's going on? Amygdalin does release cyanide to reach toxic blood levels? And even more proof, that amygdalin releases cyanide ? How can this be? Ahhhhh.
Sorry, Mister. I forgot you had a PhD in chemistry. Amygdalin of course does not undergo any chemical reaction until its excretion from the human body.

Fun fact: Alcohol is poison :) Garlic is a neurotoxin (and probably many others I am too lazy to remember).

There was once an outcry for having Glyphosat in beer. Like 'oh no, there is a potential poison in our poison, what should we do?'

Like @irime already told you, adding a booster triggers an immune response. Probably similar to many natural remedies that 'strengthen the immune system' or like eating a bit of dirt.

As to the immunity of that industry, do you have any facts? Like actual harm done?

Facts to their immunity? Yes I do. Here you go -

Actual harm done? Come on. You have brain just like me. There wouldn’t be a Vaccine Injury Trust Fund if there weren’t injuries! That’s an actual government agency for, wait for it, vaccine injuries. So yes there wouldn’t be this agency if there wasn’t actual harm being done. And there’s no science to refute there, the agency really does exist.

It's been proven that the immune system deals with the adjuvants separately from the other ingredients. This example you provide is excellent for demonstrating the flawed logic of how vaccines should work (hint they don't that's why you need booster shots).

Also consider the pathway on how it enters the body, through injection? How does any disease enter the body that way naturally? (so I don't mean during surgery) Aluminum is pretty harmless when eaten but injecting and using an emulsifier like polysorbate 80 to bring it into the brain is just criminal neglect of facts I'd say.

Exactly... I think half of what we understand as "modern Western medicine" is basically businessmen selling products with nothing else but profit in their minds.

Well that is not what doctors believe I hope...

What would Hippocrates say? yeah... I know he lived long ago. But it is a tradition in Western modern medicine to treat the minerals and substances that come naturally in the food we have eaten for hundreds of thousands of years like they were the same as when you produce them in a lab. But are they the same? is the cyanide in apples the same as cyanide you can find in a lab? Is it the same when you take that cyanide in the context of an apple, and without the apple (if it is possible, lets say, to take it out)?

The same with mercury.

There is no evidence that thimerosal actually resulted in adverse health effects in humans. Nevertheless it is no longer an ingredient in childhood vaccines (though still remains in adult vaccines like a flu shot). You ingest hundreds of toxins on a daily basis, you just don't know it. Toxins are all around us, and they are prevalent in "natural" sources. Biology is complicated, mercury exposure for example is way larger from the consumption of fish then from vaccinations. A fact that people argue is not relevant for children (however is a moot point since child hood vaccines do not contain the compound any longer). So now the only comparison is with adults, who get a larger exposure to mercury from tuna fish...

Do you think people should stop eating fish? Probably not.

“There is no evidence that thimerosal actually resulted in adverse health effects in humans. “

Actually, there’s plenty. Here’s just one.

But I’m sure we can volley back and forth with articles backing up our differences. And once again on the subject of mercury, it’s a known neurotoxin. Why would you want that injected into you body? But this is all about choice ultimately.

I agree with you about our toxic filled world. And that’s why I limit my toxic exposure to the best of my ability. Your right about fish too. I don’t eat fish and it’s not just because of mercury. But that’s a completely different topic. I limit my mercury exposure as much as I can. Most people have silver fillings. But, unfortunately for them, they’re not silver, but up to 50% mercury. In their mouth people put mercury. That’s crazy. I make the choice not too. I appreciate your points of discussion. It’s up to each of us to educate ourselves. And do what we feel is best for ourselves and our families.

You can eat chlorella with your tuna, it binds to mercury pretty well:

Chlorella exceptionally good at binding with dietary mercury
Every brand of chlorella we tested was able to bind with and capture at least 93% of dietary mercury in our gastric acid digestion simulator at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab. Most brands of chlorella captured mercury at 98% - 99% efficiency.

I did know this. Yes. Thank you for sharing. I don’t eat fish for other reasons as well as the mercury

OK, for being a vegetarian or something else?

Well mercury isn’t the only toxin fish are swimming in. Fukushima nuclear disaster is still on going. Radiation is pouring into the Pacific Ocean from this non stop. It’s on going. No end in sight. Basically our oceans are so polluted I don’t eat anything that comes from them. To the best of my ability.