Millions Of Americans Believe FDA Is Suppressing A Cancer Cure

Researchers from the University of Chicago sought to previously investigate the prevalence of medical conspiracy beliefs in the United States.
Several years ago, those researchers discovered that almost half of those in the country might believe in at least one medical conspiracy or more.
One of the most popular is considered to be the belief that the FDA is suppressing medical cures, including a cure to cancer.
- take vitamins and herbal supplements
- buy organic food
- avoid getting a flu shot
- neglect visiting the dentist
- avoid using sunscreen
- neglect visiting the doctor for an annual physical
Despite many who might question whether a "cancer cure" is currently being hidden, health experts assert that cancer is a diverse illness for which a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work; the majority of scientists maintain that there is no such "cancer cure" that's currently being suppressed.
Experimenting with alternative solutions is still a path that many choose to explore though.

It's estimated that roughly 40 percent of Americans believe that these alternative treatments can cure cancer.
Some have acknowledged that cannabis might work well in conjunction with mainstream cancer treatments, but the notion that cannabis might be a miracle cancer cure on its own is still one that's broadly rejected.
Researchers say that pursuing alternative treatments is obviously risky, insisting that for those who opt for such alternative therapy, that they are at a much greater risk of death.
Still, the freedom of the individual to choose their own path should always be respected.
The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

I would say that MANY cancer cures are suppressed- there is Cancel /Cantron/Protocel and Apricot Kernels - Vitamin B17 - Laetrille to name 2 - there used to be a great page up - and I guess this is what happened to it - - but it used to be much more in depth. I would say that censcorship is upon us.
I’m very happy to hear that such a high percentage of Americans are becoming aware of the deadly lies of government agencies whose loyalty is to mega corporations and not to the people.
I doubt that the FDA is actually suppressing a cancer cure.
However, the people who own the FDA are.
The National Cancer Insiders discourage all cure research and push people to find treatments.
And if you are a doctor and are found to be curing cancer, you will die of 45mm lead poisoning.
45 caliber? Or possibly 9mm lead poisoning...
Yes, you are correct, i couldn't remember the words... knew i was mixing something up.
But, i also forgot to add the part of "double, self-inflected hemorrhages to the cranium."
@doitvoluntarily, Yes, Individual decisions should be respected but in my opinion nowadays we are seeing more restrictive essence.
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Cannabis oil should be given more research by not just the pharmaceutical company's and the government by bu cancer charities. No real independent studies have been done. As the trials are very expensive.
As conspiracies go I don't know if you are aware of the work being done into anti neoplastins by Dr Burzynski
I have watched 2 friends die within 3 months of getting cancer this year. I also have a relative who was given a month to live 3 years ago. He did both cannabis and mainstream. Have you ever heard of the chipsa hospital in Mexico?
Posted using Partiko iOS
no i havent?
Cannabis cancer patents...
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well. I dunno about this one. I saw something not long ago that stated something along the lines of a litmus test for conspiracy theories and it went a bit like this:
Do extremely rich people die from the thing we believe there is a cure for but is being blocked by the government? if the answer is yes than there is no conspiracy.
Don't get me wrong, I despise government meddling in almost all things but I don't think this one is true. :P