Dear @jeffberwick

in #science7 years ago

If the discussion regarding the shape of the Earth interests you, today I present an experiment of which the results would vary widely depending on if we are living on a flat Earth or a spherical Earth. In the spherical model, the Moon is ~238,000 miles away and over 2,000 miles in diameter. In the flat model, the moon is 3,000 miles away and 32 miles wide. I misquote these numbers in the following video, but the point of the experiment stands nonetheless. Enjoy.

I still believe the Earth is almost 100 million miles from a ball of hydrogen fusing into helium, but I would not lose sleep if this experiment proves to me a flat Earth. If the moon is 3,000 miles away, somebody standing under the moon would perceive it twice as large as somebody 6,000 miles away. If it is 238,000 miles away, it will appear the same size everywhere on Earth to our eyes.

PS Jeff, Anarchapulco was a great experience this year and I will definitely be attending in 2018. Thanks for everything!



@funderground I think this video is pretty definitive proof that the earth is spherical and not flat, as CIA psyops are propagating so viciously to discredit the truth movement. Take a look -

And while you are at it, take a gander at my writeup on an aspect of Geoengineering not known or accepted widely-

You suggest a very interesting theory regarding the cooling towers and I wouldn't doubt it. As for flat earthers, there is no convincing them otherwise. They believe it so deeply that one shouldn't waste one's time trying to change theirs.

I used to want to show them how they are being tricked but there is no use. It's like trying to help a person understand atmoshperic aeresol injection when they believe it is all condensation.

@funderground- this is my latest post on Geoengineering series,covering how the weather monitoring radars are infact manipulating the weather-

I am curious as to the name of your post. Is Jeff Berwick (the same Jeff from Dollar Vigilante?) a proponent of flat earth theory?

Not as far as I know

@jeffberwick do you believe the Earth to be flat?

I was wondering why would you name it as [email protected] thought it might be because he is a flat earth proponent as per your knowledge. Thats all mate ! :)

well sadly the moon always looks bigger when it is closer to the horizon.
Also the tilt of the earth make some people futher away and others closer.
A friend of mine was interested to see how many people he could convince that the earth was flat years ago before PC's as it turned out you can get people to believe anything he was right and i was wrong. I should look him up and fork over some money for the bet i lost