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RE: DANGEROUS & FATAL Govt. 'Research' on INNOCENT victims in US/UK & globally. Eugenics, Microwave Mind Control, 'Chemtrails' & beyond. LEARN from the past & FIX this NOW.

in #science8 years ago

Re-steemed for the really cool article. I've never heard of MKultra but I've heard a bit about the Planned Parenthood group. Grabbing my shovel, i'm boutta start digging.

On the topic of using animals, what alternatives could you see being used for testing medicines? I had to do a bit of writing on the topic a long time ago and I remember people were discussing micro dosing and a few other things (can't recall.) Maybe a supercomputer?


Thanks for assisting here. The issue of health and how to achieve it - with reference to animal testing - requires a significant shift in understanding of numerous areas of life. In short, there is nothing we need to know about healing that we cannot learn internally through carefully listening to our needs. Those who do learn to increase their receptivity to internal awareness will find that their body will ask for relatively simple things that have been missing, such as particular foods or exercise or some other natural thing. The body will never ask for synthetic drugs, makeup or anything else that people test on animals.
So my suggestion is to understand that real healing has nothing to do with remedial medicine that seek to suppress symptoms and to drop all animal testing completely.
I've made a few posts here on this topic - but this recent one about cancer makes the case to demonstrate pretty well how the pharma industry is little more than a vampiric exploiter of suffering:

I read the article, I just didn't watch the vids in it (YET!!). I've long thought about being conscious of the body and that when my food choices start to go down the drain it bogs me down in my daily routine/focus/even exercise. I know that the pharma industry preys on the sick for their easy dollars, but I'm not sure if the body would never "ask" for any kind of "synthetic drugs," but I'm not really educated enough on this to back myself up haha.

What you posted about cancer was really eye-opening though and I clearly have a lot of reading to do. Cheers!

our bodies are designed to be entirely self healing and when that process fails it is usually due to a decision we are making that is stopping the healing process from succeeding. if we are fully unified internally - connecting all our facets as one, for example the mind and body as one - then there is no problem, however, most of us are not that way and so our mental aspects which are usually designated as 'decision maker' must learn now to listen to the other voices inside for us to have balance.
'yoga' literally translates to 'union' for this reason. ;)