"Virology" rise and fall on one big assumption

in #science3 years ago (edited)


How can "virologists" assert that "viruses" require cells to replicate if they have never found what they think are "viruses" in samples taken directly from human beings. Wouldn't you first have to find what you think are "viruses" in order to determine such thing, so to claim that something requires something you would first have to show that your something exists right?

The "virologists" always assume that "viruses" are in the samples taken from human beings without ever proving it hence thereby showing that they are not scientific in their approach. They admit their lack of scientific foundation when they state this: "The definition of 'isolation' provided in the request is outside of what is possible in virology".


Why is it not possible to isolate(separate the particles from everything else) "viruses" in "virology"? Isn't it obvious? It's because "viruses" doesn't exist, period. The image above highlight more than people may think, it highlight the fact that "virologists" always work under the big assumption that "viruses" are present in the samples taken from people, they however never test that assumption. You cannot claim that something exists in a human being if you have never showed that it actually does PRIOR to any experimentation with cell cultures, animals or humans.

If this wasn't enough then lets come from the perspective that "viruses" exists. Under this perspective it's claimed that there are more "viruses" than number of cells in our bodies. If there are that many alleged "viruses" then how on earth can they possible know which one of the trillions and trillions of "viruses" that is responsible, again they work under an assumption that the "virus" they are looking for is in the sample taken from the patient without ever verifying that the specific "virus" actually IS in the sample PRIOR to any experimentation with cell cultures, animals or humans.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance to understand this, this one untested assumption is what the whole field of "virology" is based upon. When this assumption has been challenged they all admit that they have no documentation of any isolation of any alleged "virus" directly from a human. See below for some responses to Freedom of Information requests that asks the simple question, show me the evidence of an isolated "virus" directly from a human being, NOT from a cell culture.

December 30, 2020
"CDC has no record of "SARS-COV-1" or ANY "common-cold coronavirus" having been isolated anywhere ever; FOIA response dated December 30, 2020. This relates to "COVID-19" because the alleged "SARS-COV-1" is very much a part of the "SARS-COV-2" story."

January 21, 2021
"New Zealand’s crown research institute, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research once again equates “isolation” with culturing and this time admits to having no record re isolation of “SARS-COV-1” or (once again) any “virus” on NZ’s "Immunisation" Schedule. And, they simply ignored a query re isolation of any “common cold coronavirus”:"

February 4, 2021
"Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation – CSIRO ("Australia's national science research agency") admits to having no record describing the isolation of ANY virus on Australia’s national "immunization" schedule, by anyone, anywhere, ever:"

March 15, 2021
"CDC FOIA response: no records of any "Ebola virus" isolation/purification by anyone, anywhere, ever (pdf attached):"

March 19, 2021
"U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) admit they have no record of any "Zika virus" isolated/purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:"

March 23, 2021
"CDC admits they have no record of any “HIV virus” isolated/purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever"

April 12, 2021
"CDC admits they have no record of any “influenza virus” isolated/purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever"

June 7, 2021
"CDC admits they have no record of any “HPV virus” isolated/purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever"

June 7, 2021
"CDC admits they have no record of any “Measles virus” isolated/purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever"

June 10, 2021
"CDC admits they have no record of any “MERS virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever"

June 11, 2021
"CDC admits they have no record of any “Polio virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever"

For more FOIA requests then go to the page of Christine Massey at https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/

Recommended reading that I wrote for Dawn of Peace: The case against "virology" and the idea of "viruses"

You can find my research summary regarding the alleged SARS-CoV-2 at https://steemit.com/health/@johnblaid/research-summary-and-debunk-regarding-the-existence-of-sars-cov-2-and-covid-19

If you are a person that prefer video over reading material then I recommend you check out my bitchute and odysee channel where I have uploaded what I consider the best video content that challenge the existence of "viruses".